Limit slams Blizzard as WoW devs change N’Zoth raid mid-World First race

Blizzard Entertainment

World of Warcraft guild Limit may be on the verge of their maiden Battle of Azeroth World First, but their rapid-fire progress in the Ny’alotha raid has been overshadowed by Blizzard repetitively “meddling” in the challenge.

Complexity-Limit is on the verge of making history by being the first guild to defeat N’Zoth the Corruptor, having mastered 11 of the 12 sections in the Ny’alotha raid. Most recently, they burned the Old God down to under 25% health.

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Once there, they activated a second secret chamber — the same as the first which takes you to a different room to defeat mini-bosses — and re-built their strategy around what appeared to be the final hurdle to earn the crown.

Except, unfortunately for them, Blizzard sent them an email soon after revealing the second secret phase was a mistake. Instead, guilds complete the end of the N’Zoth battle by burning him down as quickly as possible, all while black ichor pools spread across the cavern where the Old God appears. Basically, it’s a race to the finish.

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Blizzard Entertainment
Limit thought they had solved the final N’Zoth puzzle, but it seems like Blizzard changed the rules on them.

Limit left stunned after Blizzard’s email

After 200 or more pulls on the Ny’alotha boss, Limit’s raid leader Max was less than pleased to hear from Blizzard, and accused them of “changing their minds” about how the encounter worked midway through the race.

“So turns out the past few days when the boss put up a shield at 25.5% and opened a gateway again, that was all a ruse, and now it’s just you burn the boss to zero LMAO,” the disgruntled raid leader posted on Twitter after hearing the news.

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“If they want the fight to be like that, you know they changed it from what it was right?” he continued on Twitch, trying to keep it cool while the group continued their DPS. “They changed the f**king boss… you were just supposed to kill him.”

Some of his guildmates were left confused, and he was forced to deliver the news again: “That’s what [Blizzard] said. What we did for the first 200 pulls, they just changed their mind. It’s been bad before. This is just a completely different level.”

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Plenty of issues for Limit in their World First quest

The potential change to the final encounter wasn’t the only thing Limit has had to contend with on their way to a maiden Battle for Azeroth title either, after Blizzard announced they would be delivering Echoing Void a huge 50% nerf.

Limit, and everyone else in the Race for World First, were left stunned the developers were planning to drop a hefty set of balance changes—which also included tweaks to Void Rituals, Surging Vitality, and Avoidant—mid-race.

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After a number of guilds begged the devs to hold off, however, Blizzard relented and confirmed they would wait a week. They also admitted they hadn’t thought about the “impact on [player’s] gear selection,” and agreed delaying “made more sense.”

Max’s tirade comes just days after Limit tripped a bug in the final boss which forced Blizzard to reset the entire NA server. Between that, the potential tweaks, and swapped rules, it seems like Limit may be reaching breaking point.

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Blizzard Entertainment
Limit may claim their first BFA title in the Ny’alotha raid, but bugs and glitches have slowed their progress.

So who claims the Ny’alotha World First belt?

For the moment, however, the race continues. Limit is still in the lead, having clocked up more than 220 N’Zoth pulls since their adventure first began. Behind them are current title holders Method, who are also battling N’Zoth.

It looks like Complexity-Limit may be finally set to lift the World First belt, considering they’ve burned N’Zoth down as low as 18% health compared to Method’s 48%, but it won’t all be over until it’s over — there’s still plenty to go.

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Keep track of the race-to-the-finish duel between Limit and Method in the final raid tier in the Battle for Azeroth expansion, Ny’alotha, with Dexerto’s dedicated coverage hub, which includes streams, details, and the eventual winners.