Blizzard stalls WoW World First after Complexity discovers N’Zoth glitch

Blizzard Entertainment

World of Warcraft players across North America were forced to reset progress with Ny’alotha’s final boss, N’Zoth, during the ongoing Race for World’s First, after the Complexity Limit guild discovered a glitch in the final challenge.

The race to become the first guild to slay N’Zoth the Corruptor, and complete the fifth Battle for Azeroth raid is coming to a head after six days of grinding for the most dedicated World of Warcraft warbands across the world.

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Any North American groups battling deep into the evening may have suffered a major hiccup in the last few hours, after leading guild Limit accidentally glitched the final boss room, and forced Blizzard to reset the entire server to fix the issue.

Blizzard Entertainment/WoWHead
Limit, Method, and other WoW guilds have been preparing for the Ny’alotha raid for a while, but no one could prepare for this glitch.

Complexity Limit has had a steady lead in the World First race over the past week, with usual contenders Method close behind as they battled towards the Chamber of Heart, where the Ny’alotha raid can finally be completed.

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Once there, however, Limit realized just how difficult N’Zoth was going to be, and set about trying to figure out “limit testing” options for how to defeat the Corruptor.

The guild reached the secret phase of the Mythic fight just fine. As per usual, they killed a Faceless One add near the end of the challenge, and return to the boss room. Once there, they decided to pull off a different strategy—ignore the portal, and just gun for N’Zoth’s massive health bar while he had no Psychic Shell.

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While everything seemed to be going okay to start with, and the guild slicing his health down from 70% to under 25%, things soon went a little wrong. Limit cleared the rest of the Thought Harvesters, and quickly killed the Voidspawn Annihilator.

Once they defeated that major boss, they returned to N’Zoth’s room, only to discover the menacing last enemy had disappeared.

According to Limit, Blizzard had been forced to despawn N’Zoth—not just for their instance, but for the entire North American server—because they had “tainted” their World’s First, and would have been banned if they had killed the final boss.

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While it was probably pretty amusing for most of the Complexity squad, who just went back to their grind, Limit officer and dedicated mage Preheat made sure to jump on Twitter and apologize to anyone else who had been affected by the reset.

“I’d love to see the face of whoever just pulled the N’Zoth plug for all of NA,” Preheat said on February 2. “On behalf of Limit, I’d like to apologize to everyone on NA servers who was having a good pull on N’Zoth just now. Our bad!”

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Luckily, the server changes seemed only temporary, as everyone could jump back into their next pull and keep trying for the Ny’alotha crown.

Limit were the first to arrive at the final challenges again too, and discovered what Blizzard had changed: when they battled the Eternal Torment, who hadn’t given them too much trouble, they realized it was now dealing mega-damage.

While the server reset may have ruined some team’s runs, it’s probably better this way—if Complexity had finished the final 25% of N’Zoth’s health and ‘completed’ the raid with their bug, Blizzard likely would have stripped the title and banned them.

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For now, the crown still remains to be claimed. With Method still very much in the hunt, and Limit testing the very edges of the fight, it seems like it could come down to one of the two massive World of Warcraft guilds for the title belt.