Terrifying Overwatch mode pits Soldier: 76 against Thomas the Tank Engine

Wikimedia Commons / Blizzard

A terrifying Workshop creation throws Soldier: 76 into a heated fight for survival against Thomas the Tank Engine.

Blizzard’s Workshop feature in Overwatch has led to players recreating iconic games inside of the popular hero shooter, as well as spawning a number of fascinating original modes.

From chess to Call of Duty zombies and even a creative marriage proposal, Overwatch has seen its fair share of extraordinary creations in the Workshop. However, a new Thomas the Tank Engine mode might be the most terrifying to date.

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Taking a break from Overwatch League preparations, Boston Uprising analyst Jake ‘spackle’ Connell found himself in a custom game as Soldier: 76.

Rather than battling against friends or foes with the character’s unique loadout, he was dropped into a map with an angered Thomas the Tank Engine.

With only a few seconds to react, the ominous steam train blitzed towards a group of players in an attempt to wipe them out. Coming in contact with the speeding locomotive would be enough to eliminate even the most sturdy Tank heroes.

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Running around the map in a crazed panic, players did all they could to avoid the evil-looking rendition of Thomas. Seemingly charming at first with a smile on his face, the animated figure quickly turns to a terrifying grin once locked into a charge.

Amusingly enough, the Workshop creation appears to have utilized Reinhardt’s Charge ability, simply ramped up to an absurd speed. The popular hero can even be heard grunting each time that Thomas sets up for another lethal dash.

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Seemingly more and more difficult as the round goes on, the intense mode ramps up the challenge as Thomas begins to track players with greater accuracy.

Thomas previously invaded The Elder Scrolls series in a similarly creepy manner.

Locked to Soldier: 76 for the entire round, players have no choice but to run and evade the threat of Thomas the Tank Engine.

You can try out the terrifying mode for yourself using the following Workshop code: 321Z9 — but be ready to run: Thomas ain’t slowing down for anyone.

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