Overwatch cosplayer pulls off breathtaking genderbent Hanzo costume

Blizzard Entertainment / Instagram: CrunchyCupcake

German Overwatch cosplayer ‘CrunchyCupcake’ has stunned fans with an incredible genderbent Hanzo cosplay that looks exactly like the hero in-game.

Pulling off a high-quality Hanzo cosplay is pretty difficult to start off with. From the custom bows, to having to make the gown from scratch, it can be pretty finicky to pull it off.

Now, imagine trying to do that as a woman. Things can become ten times harder to keep authentic and true to the character. But, German cosplayer CrunchyCupcake has managed to pull off a perfect cosplay of Overwatch’s Japanese archer.

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Blizzard Entertainment
Hanzo isn’t the easiest cosplay to pull off in the first place, let alone genderbent.

Crunchy’s cosplay of the Overwatch hero looks like the archer just jumped off the training fields of Hanamura into real life. From head to toe, her costume design is finely detailed.

She made omnic-style boots from scratch to walk around in, and crafted Hanzo’s mechanized right hand to hold her bowstring with. She even copied the archer’s tattoo over her left arm and chest.

Her weaponry is immaculate. From the sapphire bow to the quiver, all of Crunchy’s clothes and props look like they were handed down the Shimura household.

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The clothes themselves can sometimes be a dealbreaker with trying to make a realistic cosplay, but Crunchy didn’t let that happen either. She made sure to stitch on the same markings as Hanzo had on his gown in-game, and crafted the same belt to hold her extra supplies in.

The stunning level of detail that has gone into trying to make this genderbend cosplay look just as realistic is incredible. In fact, it’s probably safe to say that Crunchy pulls off the look better than most male cosplayers.

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She’s shown it off at a couple of conventions since debuting it in 2019, and is probably her most recognizable piece to her thousands of fans on Instagram.


Crunchy doesn’t usually do genderbend cosplays, sticking to same-sex characters like Lux from League of Legends, or Overwatch hero Mercy. While her designs for other works are equally as immaculate, pulling off a genderbend cosplay is a lot harder.

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As for future genderbend designs, she hasn’t let any details loose, but there’s sure to be some male characters her fans would love to see her take on given the quality of her Hanzo cosplay — keep your eyes peeled.