All the new champions, elements, and classes in Teamfight Tactics set 2

League of Legends auto-battler spin-off, is about to get a massive content update with Set 2, with a whole new set of champions, elements, classes, and items.

When TFT exploded onto the scene back in June 2019, it rode the tide of Riot Games fandom and quickly rose to the top of Twitch.

While it’s not pulling ludicrous numbers anymore, it still has a very dedicated fan base and they are excited for what the future of Teamfight Tactics holds.

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Riot GamesTeamfight Tactics has many changes on the way.

The first reveals have already begun coming out and a plethora of new champions, elements, classes, and items are set to hit the game.

These reveals are being sent out to Riot to various Teamfight Tactics content creators so you’ll have to keep an eye on them for the new information. However, we have compiled every release we know of so far in this article, sorted by element type, so you can get all the info you need and get hyped for the release on October 21.

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Note: Many of the cards weren’t revealed in English, but all abilities have been translated.


Crystal is a new element coming to Teamfight Tactics in the Rise of the Elements update. Crystal units have a taken damage cap at 100/40 damage per hit when 2/4 Crystal units are fielded.


  • Cost: 2
  • Element: Crystal
  • Class: Predator
  • Ability: N/A


  • Cost: 4
  • Element: Crystal
  • Class: Ranger
  • Ability: Ranger’s Focus — For five seconds, Ashe gains +50%/75%/100% attack speed and her auto attacks fire a five-arrow burst that inflicts 50%/80%/120% physical damage.

Riot GamesRegular Ashe is out, Amethyst Ashe is in.


  • Cost: 5
  • Element: Crystal
  • Class: Warden
  • Ability: Cosmic Radiance — After a delay, Taric and all nearby allies become invulnerable for a few seconds.

Riot Games / HafuTaric brings 7his ultimate to the TFT battlefield to keep his allies safe from whatever is thrown their way.

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The Desert buff grants all Desert allies 50%/90% armor penetration. This activates at two units, and upgrades at four.

Riot GamesThe Desert buff will allow units to smash through armored opponents.


  • Cost: 1
  • Element: Desert
  • Class: Berserker
  • Ability: Cull the Meek — Renekton spins around, dealing 150/275/400 damage and healing for 150/250/350.

Riot GamesRenekton looks like a Darius replacement for set 2.


  • Cost: 3
  • Element: Desert
  • Class: Summoner
  • Ability: Arise! — Azir summons a sand soldier for six seconds, attacking whenever Azir does. Sand soldiers do 90/180/270 damage per attack to enemies in a line.

Sadly, you won’t be able to Shurima Shuffle with Azir on TFT.


  • Cost: 3
  • Element: Desert
  • Class: Blademaster
  • Ability: Ricochet — Sivir’s auto attacks will bounce off enemies up to ten times for five seconds. The additional attacks deal 100/135/150% bonus damage, and apply on hit effects.

Riot GamesSivir was featured in the Riot Pls video which announced the massive host of changes to TFT.

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  • Cost: 4
  • Element: Desert
  • Class: Assassin
  • Ability: Void Assault — Kha’Zix goes into stealth and attacks the lowest health enemy after 2/1.25/0.5 seconds, gaining 100% crit chance for one attack and regaining 5/10/15 mana.

Riot GamesKha’Zix’s ability has changed between set one and set two.


Electric champions will gain an aura around them that causes them to shock nearby enemies for 60/200/500 damage every time they critically strike. This buff is activated at two Electric units, and upgraded at three and four.

Riot GamesThe Electric buff in TFT is like a psuedo-Blitzcrank passive on Summoner’s Rift.


  • Cost: 1
  • Element: Electric
  • Class: Warden
  • Ability: Electric Breath — Ornn unleashes lighting bolts in a cone in front of him, dealing 100/200/300 magic damage and increasing their chance of being critically struck by 20% for four seconds.

Riot GamesOrnn will be getting an electrified version of his Bellows Breath for TFT.

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  • Cost: 3
  • Element: Glacial / Electric
  • Class: Berserker
  • Ability: Furious Bite — Deals 200/450/700 damage and executes the target if they are below 35% health. If target is executed, Volibear’s mana is fully restored.
Riot Games


  • Cost: 5
  • Element: Electric
  • Class: Summoner / Assassin
  • Ability: Living Shadow — Zed creates a shadow behind an enemy, which inherits the items and stats of the previous Zed. The shadow can then create a shadow of their own.

Riot GamesZed will now get a modified version of his W.


With Woodland buff active, at the start of a round, a random Woodland ally will clone themselves. This buff activates at three Woodland units.

Riot GamesThe Woodland buff is like the Elementalist buff, but instead you get a cloned ally on board instead.


  • Cost: 1
  • Element: Woodland
  • Class: Druid
  • Ability: Triggerseed — Ivern grants his lowest health ally a 200/400/600 damage shield that lasts for five seconds.

Riot GamesIvern will be joining the TFT roster on Patch 9.22


  • Cost: 1
  • Element: Woodland
  • Class: Druid
  • Ability: Sap Magic — After being hit by an enemy, Maokai’s next basic attack will heal him for 100/200/300 health.

Riot GamesMaokai will join tree friend Ivern in Teamfight Tactics.

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  • Cost: 2
  • Element: Woodland
  • Class: Mage / Assassin
  • Ability: Ethereal Chains — LeBlanc throws a chain to a target, dealing 200/450/700 damage and snaring them for 1.5 seconds.

Riot GamesThe TFT version of LeBlanc has her Elderwood skin equipped.


  • Cost: 2
  • Element: Woodland
  • Class: Druid
  • Ability: Blooming Burst — Three waves dealing 100/200/300 damage, with increasing range per wave.


The Glacial buff from set one is returning for set two, once again offering a chance to stun enemies on hit for 1.5 seconds. The chance to stun has been adjusted slightly, however, now offering 20/40/60% chance, a slight nerf at two units but a buff at four and six.


  • Cost: 1
  • Element: Glacial
  • Class: Predator
  • Ability: Infinite Duress — Warwick dashes to the lowest health enemy, stunning them while dealing damage.


  • Cost: 2
  • Element: Glacial
  • Class: Warden
  • Ability: Unbreakable — Braum raises his shield towards the furthest enemy, reducing incoming damage and blocking projectiles.

Hafu / Riot GamesBraum won’t be changing much in between set one and set two.

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  • Cost: 3
  • Element: Glacial
  • Class: Ranger
  • Ability: Mystic Shot — Ezreal targets the lowest health enemy champion, damaging and freezing them while applying other on-hit effects.

Riot GamesFrosted Ezreal now joins the TFT ranks.


  • Cost: 4
  • Element: Glacial
  • Class: Berserker
  • Ability: Berserker’s Rage — Olaf gains Crowd Control immunity, attack speed is increased by 75/100/125% and lifesteal increased by 20/40/60%.
Riot Games


  • Cost: 2
  • Element: Glacial, Electric
  • Class: Berserker
  • Ability: Furious Bite — Deals 200/450/700 damage and executes the target if they are below 35% health. If target is executed, Volibear’s mana is fully restored.
Riot Games


Inferno allies’ spells will burn the ground for five seconds, inflicting 80%/150%/250% of the damage from spells to units who stand on burnt hexes. This buff activates at three Inferno units, and upgrades at six and nine units.


  • Cost: 1
  • Element: Inferno
  • Class: Summoner
  • Ability: Flame Spitter — Zyra summons two untargetable flame spitters on the corners of the arena, attacking the closest enemies.

Riot GamesHow cool would it have been to bring back Zyra’s old passive for her ability in TFT?


  • Cost: 2
  • Element: Inferno
  • Class: Assassin
  • Ability: Pale Cascade — Diana creates three orbs which explode and deal 60/100/140 damage each when they hit an enemy. Additionally, she also gains a 150/250/350 health shield for three seconds.

Riot GamesLeona is gone, and Diana is here. How fitting.

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  • Cost: 2
  • Element: Inferno
  • Class: Ranger
  • Ability: Piercing Arrow — Varus charges up an arrow that pierces through enemies in a line, dealing damage.

Riot GamesVarus is getting an updated look for the next set.


  • Cost: 3
  • Element: Inferno / Shadow
  • Class: Ranger
  • Ability: Dance of Arrows — Kindred dashes across the board, dealing 150/325/500 magic damage to a unit.

Riot GamesKindred will no longer have her ultimate in TFT.


  • Cost: 4
  • Element: Inferno
  • Class: Summoner
  • Ability: Tibbers! — Summon Tibbers to deal 100/200/300 damage to an area. Tibbers deals 150/300/999 magic damage with his auto-attacks.

DoraOzsoy / Riot GamesTibbers looks to be quite strong.


When a Light unit dies in TFT, other Light units will be buffed for the rest of the round. They will receive +10%/25%/50% bonus attack speed, and regenerate 25% of their maximum health for every death. The buff becomes active at three units, and upgrades at six and nine units.

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Riot GamesBathing in light will be a good thing in TFT.


  • Cost: 1
  • Element: Light
  • Class: Warden
  • Ability: Fury of the Dawn — Nasus temporarily enrages, gaining bonus health and damaging adjacent enemies for the duration.

RIot Games / HafuNasus joins his mortal enemy Renekton on the TFT roster.


  • Cost: 1
  • Element: Light
  • Class: Ranger
  • Ability: Silver Bolts — After stacking three auto attacks, Silver Bolts will deal additional true damage to an enemy.

Riot GamesVayne is the only unit so far to be unchanged between set one and set two.


  • Cost: 2
  • Element: Light
  • Class: Berserker
  • Ability: Counter Strike — Jax dodges all auto attacks for two seconds, then stuns all nearby enemies for 1.5 seconds, dealing 150/250/350 damage.

Riot GamesJax is one of the many Light units coming to TFT.


  • Cost: 3
  • Element: Light
  • Class: Blademaster
  • Ability: The Darkin Blade — Aatrox cleaves the area in front of him, dealing damage to enemies inside of it.

Riot GamesAatrox has seen the light in TFT, transforming from a demon to a justicar.

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  • Cost: 3
  • Element: Light
  • Class: Mystic
  • Ability: Equinox — Soraka creates a zone, silencing enemies for 3/5/7 seconds and dealing 150/300/450 damage.

Riot GamesIt’s interesting that Soraka is getting her E as an ability and not her ultimate, Wish.


  • Cost: 4
  • Element: Light
  • Class: Summoner
  • Ability: Shepherd of Souls — Yorick blesses 3/5/10 non-Light allies. When these allies die, they resurrect as Ghouls with 500/900/2000 health and 75/150/225 attack damage. Ghouls also benefit from the Light buff.

Riot GamesYorick’s ability seems incredibly strong.


The mountain buff grants one random ally a 1500 health shield at the start of combat. This buff is activated at two Mountain units.

Riot GamesYou’d hope the Mountain shield would spawn on your carry every round.


  • Cost: 1
  • Element: Mountain
  • Class: Mage
  • Ability: Seismic Shove — Taliyah causes the ground to rise up under the enemy with the most mana, dealing 150/325/500 damage. If the enemy is ranged, they are thrown towards Taliyah. If the enemy is melee, they are thrown away.

Riot GamesTaliyah will be pushing the Earth beneath the TFT board in battle.

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  • Cost: 4
  • Element: Mountain
  • Class: Warden
  • Ability: Unstoppable Force — Malphite charges at a random enemy, dealing 125/200/275 damage and knocking all nearby enemies into the air, stunning them for 2/2.5/3 seconds.

Riot GamesCould Malphite combo with Yasuo in TFT as well?


When the Ocean buff is active, all allies will gain an additional 10/25/40 mana every three seconds. The ocean buff activates at two units, and upgrades at four and six.

Riot GamesThe Ocean buff will allow mana-hungry mages to cast their spells more often.


  • Cost: 1
  • Element: Ocean
  • Class: Mage
  • Ability: Drain — Vladimir damages a target enemy for // damage, healing himself for the damage dealt.

Riot Games / Sp4zieVladimir is coming to TFT.


  • Cost: 2
  • Element: Ocean
  • Class: Pilgrim
  • Ability: Hydro Sphere — Syndra conjures a Hydro Sphere at a target location, dealing // damage to enemies.

Syndra has the new Ocean trait.


  • Cost: 2
  • Element: Ocean
  • Class: Warden
  • Ability: Deep Sea Passage — Thresh throws his lantern to the lowest-health ally, shielding them and nearby allies for a few seconds.

Riot GamesTake the lantern!

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  • Cost: 3
  • Element: Ocean
  • Class: Warden
  • Ability: Depth Charge — Nautilus sends out a depth charge to the further enemy, knocking them up and stunning them.

Riot GamesNautilus will join his ocean hook buddy Thresh.


  • Cost: 5
  • Element: Ocean
  • Class: Mystic
  • Ability: Tidal Wave: Nami sends a massive wave towards a random enemy, damaging and knocking up enemies and granting allies bonus magic damage on hit.

Riot GamesThe TFT arena will be getting the Tidecaller’s Blessing in Patch 9.22


The Poison buff allows Poison allies to increase enemy mana costs by 50% when they attack them. This buff activates at three Poison units.

Riot GamesPoison buff looks to be a direct counter to Ocean.


  • Cost: 1
  • Element: Poison
  • Class: Predator
  • Ability: Living Artillery — After a short delay, a projectile lands on a random enemy, dealing 125/275/425 damage.

Dr. Mundo

  • Cost: 3
  • Element: Poison
  • Class: Berserker
  • Ability: Burning Agony — Dr. Mundo makes a circle around him, dealing 40/110/160 (+1.25% maximum health) magic damage and heals for 100%/150%/200%

Riot GamesDr. Mundo goes green for TFT.


  • Cost: 4
  • Element: Poison
  • Class: Ranger
  • Ability: Spray and Pray — Twitch gets unlimited range and 100/125/150% attack damage. All of his attacks pierce targets and apply on-hit effects.

Riot GamesTwitch will be able to hit both the front and back line with his TFT ability.

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  • Cost: 5
  • Element: Poison
  • Class: Alchemist
  • Ability: Poison Trail — Singed leaves a trail of poison behind him, dealing 400/800/1200 damage over four seconds.

Riot GamesSinged will have a unique Alchemist class in TFT.


Details of the Shadow buff aren’t available yet, but we will update this section once more information is available.


  • Cost: 2
  • Element: Shadow
  • Class: Summoner
  • Ability: Dark Spirits— Opens a dark gate summoning 2/3/4 Dark Spirits. Spirits deal 60/100/140 damage per attack.


  • Cost: 3
  • Element: Shadow
  • Class: Mage
  • Ability: Primordial Burst — Veigar blasts an enemy with magical energy, dealing damage. Instantly kills enemies at lower star levels than Veigar.

Sp4zie / Riot GamesVeigar will have minimal changes between sets.

Master Yi

  • Cost: 5
  • Element: Shadow
  • Class: Mystic / Blademaster
  • Ability: Meditate: Master Yi meditates for 1.5 seconds, healing himself for 25%/50%/75% of his maximum health. He cannot be targeted while channeling, and his auto attacks gain 100/150/200 bonus damage for six seconds after meditating.

Riot GamesOf all of Master Yi’s abilities, Meditate was probably the one most people least expected to be used in TFT.


When Steel units drop below 50% health, they will gain invulnerability for 2/3/4 seconds. This buff activates at two Steel units, and upgrades at three and four units.

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  • Cost: 2
  • Element: Steel
  • Class: Predator
  • Ability: Furious Bite — Rek’Sai deals 200/550/900 true damage to an enemy.


  • Cost: 3
  • Element: Steel
  • Class: Assassin
  • Ability: Umbra Blades — Every third attack does area of effect damage, healing for 75%/100%/125 of damage dealt.

Riot GamesEternum skins seem to be the go for Steel champions in TFT.


All units regardless of element will gain dodge chance when Wind buff is active. It’ll be 25% at two Wind units, 40% at three, and 55% at four.

Riot GamesThe Wind buff is similar to the old Yordle buff.


  • Cost: 2
  • Element: Wind
  • Class: Blademaster
  • Ability: Last Breath — Yasuo blinks towards the target with the most items equipped, knocking them up for one second and hitting them 3/5/7 times.

Riot GamesYasuo is being downgraded from a five-cost to a two-cost unit in set two.


  • Cost: 4
  • Element: Wind
  • Class: Mystic
  • Ability: Monsoon — Janna casts a wind blast that lasts for three seconds, healing allies for 30%/40%/80% of their maximum health and stunning enemies for one second.

Riot GamesJanna is ready to brew up a storm.



Qiyana has a variable Elemental Origin, which will be different in each game depending on whatever element the first elemental hex spawns as.

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  • Cost: 3
  • Element: Variable
  • Class: Assassin
  • Ability: Edge of Ixtal — Qiyana dashes to the side of her target and throws a blast of wind through them, damaging and stunning enemies it passes through.


Lux is the game’s first 7-cost unit, and appears to have versions for 10 different elements. It’s not currently clear how this variation will affect the game – whether she has a different version each game, like Qiyana, or she can change to suit the composition, or whether multiple different versions can appear in the same game.

Lux also has a new Class that is so far unique, called “Avatar”, the details of which have not yet been revealed.

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  • Cost: 7
  • Element: Variable
  • Class: Avatar
  • Ability: Final Spark — Inflicts 600/900/1200 magic damage and restores 50 mana on kill
Riot Games


These champions have been teased before now, but are yet to be categorized into elements.

  • Sion — rumored to be a Shadow / Berserker


You’ve seen the new and reworked champions pick up new classes, so it’ll definitely be helpful to know what those classes consist of.

Here’s a look at all of the ones that have been revealed so far and what they will do in-game.


  • 1 unit: Ignore unit collision, never stop moving.

Riot GamesThe new Alchemist class only applies to Singed.


  • 3 units: +75% critical strike damage and 25% critical strike chance
  • 6 units: +150% critical strike damage and 50% critical strike chance

Riot GamesAssassins are back.

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  • Innate: Berserkers leap towards their closest enemy
  • 3 units: 40% chance to cleave and deal 100% area of effect damage to surrounding units
  • 6 units: 80% chance to cleave and deal 100% area of effect damage to surrounding units

Riot Games.Berserkers are like the opposite of Assassins.


  • 2 units: Summon a 2000 health stone golem with Mountain element and the items of your highest tier Druid.
  • 4 units: Summon a 4000 health stone golen with Mountain element and the items of your highest tier Druid.


  • 3 units: 50% chance to double cast spells
  • 6 units: 100% chance to double cast spells

Riot Games / Sp4zieTake a look at the new Mage class.


  • 2 units: All units gain 70 magic resist
  • 4 units: All units gain 150 magic resist

Riot GamesMystic is like the magical form of Knight.


  • 3 units: Any damage a predator deals to an enemy below 25% health will execute them for an instant kill


  • 2 units: 35% chance to double all Ranger’s attack speeds for three seconds
  • 4 units: 65% chance to double all Ranger’s attack speeds for three seconds
  • 6 units: 100% chance to double all Ranger’s attack speeds for three seconds
Riot GamesThe Ranger buff will be a lot more reliable in the late game now.


  • 3 units: 40% increased lifetime on summoned units
  • 6 units: 100% increased lifetime on summoned units

Riot GamesThe Summoner buff is a lot like Shapeshifter.


  • 2 units: +100% armor to Warden units
  • 4 units: +250% armor to Warden units
  • 6 units: +400% armor to Warden units

Riot Games / HafuWardens are on the way.


Another entirely new class, Avatar has so far only been seen on the 7-cost Lux. As a result, it’s very possible the class could be unique to her – much like the “Exile” class that featured only Yasuo in set one – although so far Riot haven’t revealed exactly what bonus the class will offer. 

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Riot Games

We will continue to keep this post updated with all the new info for TFT Set 2!

Last updated: October 22, 2019 at 10:20 AM EST