Riot Games respond to Voyboy claiming they ruined League Solo Q

Riot Games

League of Legends developers Riot Games have issued a response after popular streamer Voyboy shared his concerns over the current state of the Solo Queue ranked playlist.

Former North American pro and popular streamer Voyboy received a lot of support from the LoL community after commenting on some major issues with the popular ranked playlist such as players ruining games with toxic behavior.

Riot Games was met with a lot of backlash for their apparent ‘lack of action’ against such players and has now issued a response to Voyboy during the latest installment of their Riot Report series on May 5.

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Voyboy, YouTube
Voyboy received a lot of support for his “The Sad State of League Solo Q” video.

The response was shared by popular LoL commentator Rivington Bisland III, who took a few minutes to address the topic towards the end of the episode.

“Voyboy has released a video lately that made waves going out to the internet, Voyboy has been a long-standing member of the League community,” he explained, “he has spoken out recently about the toxicity in his games and how that’s being approached.”

Riv highlighted that Riot had not taken Voyboy’s concerns lightly and are looking at new approaches to maintain a competitive and fair ranked play system in League of Legends.

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“We can assure here at Riot that is something that is taken very seriously, we are always watching, we are always iterating on that process,” he revealed.

While they did not go into specific changes that they have planned to improve the game and its player base, Riot assured that it is something they aware of and have started working on solutions for some of the issues that Voyboy pointed out.

“The team is working around the clock to make sure that is something that can be resolved in a timely manner. Be sure that we are on the case and hopefully that is something that brings a better quality-of-life in the future, Voyboy we hear you,” he added, to close out the response.

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It is unknown when Riot plans on implementing any of these future changes to address the toxic behavior in SoloQ, and due to current working constraints, it could take longer than what was expected of issues in the past.