G2 Perkz hints at another role swap with Caps for LEC Summer Split

Perkz and Caps with the 2019 MSI trophyDavid Lee for Riot Games

League of Legends star Luka ‘Perkz’ Perkovic has been hinting towards another swap with teammate Rasmus ‘Caps’ Winther following their crushing win over Fnatic in the LEC’s Spring final.

When Caps first made the move to G2 Esports ahead of the 2019 spring split, which saw star mid-laner Perkz swap roles to ADC to accommodate his former rival, many had their doubts around the potential of the team.

Caps and Perkz quickly silenced critics, however, after leading the team to a near-flawless year, winning both regional titles and MSI 2019, only losing their first best-of-5 series of the season against FunPlus Phoenix in the Worlds grand final.

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Lolesports, Flickr
Caps and Perkz look set to switch back for the LEC Summer split.

G2 Esports were not happy with their defeat and swapped Caps and Perkz roles ahead of the 2020 spring split to offer the team even more flexibility in draft, and despite defeating Fnatic with a clean 3-0 in the LEC spring final, they look set to swap back yet again for Summer.

Caps received some harsh criticism for his first split as an ADC in Spring 2020, after a few shaky performances in the regular season led many fans to believe that G2’s support Mikyx synergized better with Perkz.

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It seems as if G2 themselves may agree with the European fans, as Perkz has hinted toward his return to the bot lane, tweeting out that he would be practicing some marksman champions, which are typically seen in the ADC role, during his May 6 Twitch stream.

Although Perkz is often known for joking around, Caps has also been picking up some mid lane champions on his alternate account in recent days, making the swap a rather likely possibility, according to their Opgg profiles.

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As players have had few weeks off ahead of the Summer Split, due to the cancelation of the Mid Season Invitational, it would be the perfect time to go through an adjustment period without concerns over performing poorly in the regular season matches.

Both players have already proven that they are well capable of finding success in either role, despite some concerns from fans, and will likely be a top contender internationally with or without the swap.

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Regardless of what they decide for the Summer split, the G2 stars are expected to be returning to action in early June, to kick off the second half of the LEC 2020 season.

Update: May 6 2:49 PM PST

Perkz, Caps, and G2 have confirmed the role swap that will see the return of “Uma Jan and Claps.”

G2 Twitter
The G2 Army retweeted a series of messages that confirm the roll swap to how it was in 2019. Hint: Read Caps and Perkz tweets from bottom up.

G2 ended the Summer of 2019 with a regular-season record of 15-3 with Perkz in the bot lane and Caps mid before beating Fnatic 3-2 in the Summer LEC finals.

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In the Spring 2020 Split, they again ended with a 15-3 record and a 3-0 finals series sweep over Fnatic but with the two stars in their new roles.