Faker’s League of Legends POV reveals insane view of his in-game mechanics

Riot Games / The Korean Herald

It’s widely known that League of Legends worldwide star Lee ‘Faker’ Sang-hyeok has insane reactions and skills within the game, but a look into his POV revealed just how crazy his screen gets in pro games.

Riot Games released Pro View in time for the 2019 Summer Split which lets fans tune into a specific player’s POV live during a league game. While the feature has been an eye-opening experience to see how the pros play, it could be a dizzying affair for those who want to watch Faker.

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Longtime League of Leagends players know there’s quite a bit to keep track of and maintain while in the Rift. Even though Faker has been famous for his crazy APM that keeps tabs on everything happening around him, it looks like it gets taken up a notch during competitive games.

The Korean HeraldFaker’s screen during matches is almost unwatchable at times because of how fast his inputs can get.

Fans who check out Faker’s channel on Twitch are in constant amazement at how he maneuvers in games, but that pales in comparison to the nauseating display especially during MSI 2019.

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Fans who bought the Pro View feature also got POV VODs of MSI, revealing how chaotic Faker’s screen gets especially when the action turns up.

“He uses the F-keys like a mad man even faster and more often than LS,” Reddit user ‘heyyeahheyxd’ said. “He looks at the POV of 3 different players in a second. You might actually get a headache. Definitely an interesting POV to watch. 10/10 would recommend if you’re into that.”

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Causing headaches would be the best description since Faker almost never lets a moment slip away without checking in on his teammates using F1-F5 keys.

(Timestamp at 1:53 for mobile viewers)

Faker’s habits translates into sick outplays

Keeping up with all the action on the Rift can give players all the information they need to feel confident about their next play.

Faker constantly shows that during ranked and LCK games which lets him make unbelievable outplays that leave people questioning what they just saw.

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The South Korean pro is widely known for his LeBlanc, but has shown a mastery of near all mid-lane champs.

As the season goes on, Pro View is sure to get more and more popular but if people ever want to catch Faker’s POV just be warned that it could get overwhelming real quick.