Riot Games reveal the next League of Legends champion reworks

Riot Games

The League of Legends developers announced on May 30 the next champions who will be getting huge Visual and Gameplay Updates (VGU) that many fans feel they desperately need.

League of Legends has been out since 2009 and while there’s tons of history with a lot of the older champions, it’s apparent that some of them are in dire need of facelifts to their original designs.

Riot Games ended their 2020 Choose Your Champion campaign in mid May which gave fans the chance to voice who they wanted to see get a redesign to bring their kit and style into the new age.

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Riot GamesThe breakdown of votes for the 2020 Choose a Champion Update poll.

After tallying up the votes, Riot saw there was an outstanding amount of people who wanted both Volibear and Fiddlesticks to get a VGU. While the polls were supposed to pick only one champion to update, Riot thought the race was too close to cast one champion out.

So the League of Legends developers decided on giving both Voli and Fiddle a major update.

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Looking at the global voting results, it really was a neck-and-neck race between Volibear and Fiddlesticks with them taking 24.64 and 24.42, respectively.

Riot also gave some insights on what the teams working on the VGUs are thinking about how they’ll be changing the tenured champions in the near future.

Riot GamesVolibear’s VGU might incorporate more of the thunder god in him for his kit and design.

How will Volibear and Fiddlesticks change after their VGUs?

Volibear mains should ease their mind since Gameplay Designer Nathan ‘Riot Lutzburg’ Lutz is on the bear’s case. Lutzburg shared his excitement with the chance to update the Thunder’s Roar since its one of his most played champs.

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“… My goal is to preserve the spirit of current Volibear, allowing him to do cool bear things like chase down and maul his enemies,” Lutzburg said. “I’d also like to integrate his ‘thunder god’ aesthetic into more of his kit while finding new ways to explore the bruiser role.”

Meanwhile it seems like Fiddlesticks is going to get a lot more terrifying after its VGU is done, especially since Sunny ‘Kindlejack’ Pandita will be working on the Harbinger of Doom.

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Riot GamesVery early “scribbles” from Kindlejack for Fiddlestick’s VGU.

“I’d like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who voted for Fiddlesticks,” Kindlejack exclaimed. “He’s been tied with Rumble for my favourite champion since Season 1… I’m afraid this update is going to be so spooky we’ll have players who would rather ff than face their fears.”

It looks like both champions will be in good hands for their VGUs but fans will have to be patient since the redesigns are targeted to come in 2020.

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