Fortnite: How to prevent fall damage with Shield Bubble item

Epic Games

Fortnite’s new Shield Bubble item was introduced in update 10.20, and while its main use is to protect you from enemy fire, it can also be used to prevent major fall damage.

The Shield Bubble is viewed by most players as a direct counter to a missile barrage coming from a mech, but some are discovering there are more uses for it.

Since the shield is able to protect players from all damage, it was only a matter of time before someone tested if it would protect from fall damage.

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Reddit user Genshadow15 showed how editing a floor and dropping down with the shield would allow you to freefall into the ground and take no damage.

It’s a neat little trick that could save you in a sticky situation, but more likely you’ll want to do the “Waterfalling” method where you try to attach a build piece to an existing structure when falling down. That way, you don’t need to rely on a certain item being in your inventory.

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In endgame scenarios where players have to drop down quickly, it could work out quite nicely but it’s hard to picture many other situations this could factor into.

Epic GamesWith Ballers gone, players need new ways to get around the map fast.

With Shadow Bombs and Ballers being gone in Season 10, players are always on the look for more mobility options and perhaps this could end up catching on in a competitive scene.

Shield Bubbles aren’t exactly mobility items but they do let you cover ground quickly if needed, so who knows, this could become a viable option if no alternatives arise as the season goes on.

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The Turbo Build changes added a delay in how quickly you can place items, making waterfalling a less than reliable option, but Epic quickly reverted those changes so you don’t have to worry about that.

We’re also not entirely sure if this is actually working as intended as the Shield Bubble was originally added to protect from gunfire and rockets.