RunTheFUTMarket questions EA’s story over Kurt FIFA bans

Twitter: RunTheFUTMarket / EA Sports

Popular FIFA content creator RunTheFUTMarket took serious issue with a particular aspect of how EA handled the account ban of former pro Kurt0411, questioning the company about the state of the forums and the game itself.

The swift and sudden permanent FIFA account ban of former pro Kurt0411 has been a major talking point around the game’s professional scene. EA handed Kurt the ban after “multiple abusive and threatening personal attacks” aimed at EA employees and other pro players.

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Streamer/YouTuber RunTheFUTMarket, is the latest big name in the FIFA community, alongside Kurt and pro player Tekkz, to come out and criticize EA openly about the state of the game.

RTFM has taken to both Twitter and YouTube to voice his concerns, the biggest of which revolves around EA’s conflicting actions and statements regarding their forums. In their official statement, the company said they are open to feedback, and encourage anyone to share their thoughts on the EA Forums.

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However, the popular YouTuber alleges that this is not true, claiming that the forums’ moderators have banned discussions regarding dynamic difficulty, momentum, and the servers.

In his video, titled “MANIPULATION & POWER IN FIFA”, he claims that the moderators have clearly stated that discussions about these subjects will result in bans.

Discussion about the FIFA forums begins at 10:30 for mobile users.

He argues that EA cannot have it both ways: they can’t allegedly shut down discussion and ban users on their forums, but then take to their official platforms and broadcast that they will always encourage it.

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RTFM’s issues with EA and FIFA extend well past the forums, however. Regarding the ban, he insinuated earlier in his video that the issues between Kurt0411 and the company stem from a beef between the former pro and a member of the community management team.

He also said that while he understands the ban from competitive play, he believes that closing Kurt’s FIFA account was a step too far: “Banning him from competitive play, I get it, maybe he crossed the line. But everybody should have the freedom to play this damn game.”

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RunTheFUTMarket summarized his thoughts on the current state of FIFA on Twitter, saying that EA only continues to make the game worse and that the two most recent iterations of the series have been “awful.”

Kurt is not taking his ban lying down, lashing out at EA and fighting the company’s decision at every level.  Daniel ‘KEEMSTAR’ Keem teased on Twitter that he would be producing a documentary series on the banned pro player.

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