YouTuber Niko Omilana opens fake McDonalds in elaborate prank

YouTuber creates a fake McDonaldsYouTube: Niko Omilana

YouTuber Niko Omilana has made a video in which he set out to open his own fake McDonalds with its own menu, that had people flocking to collect their free “Not McDonalds” meal.

Niko, who’s channel has over 2 million subscribers, is known for his prank style content including his “fake employee pranks” where he pretends to work at large companies such as the likes of Apple, Target, and Subway.

But this isn’t the first time he’s attempted to get involved with McDonalds. On August 28 he uploaded one of his fake employee videos, where he caused mischief by messing with customers as he took their order, earning him a substantial number of angry customers.

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Niko Omilana pranks McDonalds customersYouTube: Niko Omilana
This isn’t the first time Niko has embarked on pranking McDonalds

Since his attempt to become a real employee at McDonalds was unsuccessful, Niko took it upon himself to open his very own fake version of the huge fast-food chain. They paired up with a very recently launched family-owned business “Andy’s Bangin Burgers” as a way of gaining their premises, and giving Andy’s some much-appreciated publicity.

Niko bought all of the food the business had in stock, and agreed to pay their staff’s wages for the whole day. By buying some genuine McDonalds packaging (and editing it a bit to fit their off-brand fast-food chain,) they got to work giving the food away for free to visitors to the now rebranded shop front – “Not McDonalds.”

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While the day started off slow, the customers quickly started to increase in number, with people eventually lining the streets to check out what the fuss was all about, and get their hands on some free food. He even eventually hired another employee for the day when he came to the store asking for a job.

As posts started popping up on social media, even more customers started to pour in, and it wasn’t long before all that local produce had been handed out to curious people.

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With all the food gone, they wrapped up a successful day redirecting customers from a huge chain to a small local business, causing a stir on social media in the process. Now he knows it works, it’ll be interesting to see how his pranking of huge chain companies escalates in the future.