Michael Reeves builds laser baby to celebrate season 2 of The Boys

Michael Reeves shows the laser baby he madeYouTube: Michael Reeves

To celebrate the season two release of superhero action series The Boys, YouTuber Michael Reeves set about the task of building a functional laser baby to mimic the one seen in the show’s explosive first season.

22-year-old Michael Reeves is a YouTuber with over 5 million subscribers, known for his silly but equally very impressive technology builds and gadget related videos. In his previous video, he built a chair that gives people a small electric shock if they can’t beat a Where’s Waldo puzzle fast enough.

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Now, to promote the new season of The Boys, Michael was set the task by Amazon to build a functioning replica of the laser baby featured in season one, that in the show has the power to cut two people in half.

YouTube/Michael Reeves
Michael Reeves creates crazy technology on his channel

But of course, Michael wasn’t going to give Amazon exactly what they wanted from him, and set about making his own interpretation of the guidelines, making jokes at Amazon’s expense along the way.

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He began by sawing into a dolly baby’s head and pulling out its eyes (proving to be a vaguely disturbing experience for both Michael and his audience,) before inserting the laser diodes into the sockets.

Michael used this new and improved baby to set alight the replica doll he was sent by the show itself, by using low powered lasers and placing a laser-activated sensor inside the other baby for a fiery reaction.

He used CO2 canisters of fake blood to simulate bodies being “cut in half” and finally recreated the original laser baby scene with his technological masterpieces.

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At the time of writing the video has over 4 million views, people loving the recreation of the weirdest character. Season 2 of The Boys releases on September 4 2020 on Amazon Prime.