PewDiePie surprises wife Marzia with “beautiful” Valentine’s Day gift

pewdiepie marzia valentines day giftPewDiePie - Instagram

Felix ‘PewDiePie’ Kjellberg celebrated Valentine’s Day by surprising his wife Marzia with a very special gift.

The YouTube star has been making the most of his break from the platform after years of daily uploads.

Fans have gotten glimpses on how he’s been spending his vacation, whether it’s performing karaoke, or hanging out at the arcade.

Instagram: PewDiePie
PewDiePie surprised Marzia with a surprise Valentine’s Day gift.

Marzia and PewDiePie celebrated their marriage in 2019, and for their first Valentine’s Day as a married couple, the YouTuber decided to surprise his wife with a bundle of gifts.

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On Marzia’s Instagram story, she revealed he gave her a Tiffany & Co. ring, a card, and even prepared breakfast in bed.

“The mad lad surprised me with breakfast in bed, a lovely card and a beautiful ring,” she said.

marzia pewdiepie valentine's day giftitsmarziapie - Instagram
Marzia’s Instagram story shows off all of her gifts.

PewDiePie has been spoiling Marzia with presents for years, considering they have been a couple since 2011, but this one was even more special since they’re married now.

If the star YouTuber was still making videos, this would have surely been something that would have made for some good content, considering the pair’s wedding video was one of his most popular uploads of 2019.

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Now nearing a month since his departure from the video platform, fans still don’t have a good idea of when PewDiePie will return, but there have been some hints indicating it can be sooner rather than later.

He is back in the United Kingdom after spending time in Japan, so his setup is right there waiting for him whenever he wants to get back to the grind. He even broke his month-long Instagram hiatus with a selfie on February 14, which was subsequently.

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PewDiePie, YouTube
When is PewDiePie coming back to YouTube?

In his absence, his fan-run subreddit, r/PewDiePieSubmissions, has descended into chaos as it briefly turned into both a gardening and cooking forum.

It’s clear his viewers are running out of patience as his break continues, so fans just have to hope he’s back soon so everything can go back to normal.