PewDiePie’s return to YouTube could be right around the corner

YouTube: PewDiePie

It’s been almost a month since Felix ‘PewDiePie‘ Kjellberg uploaded his latest video to YouTube, as he took his first proper break from daily uploads in years. But fans patiently awaiting his comeback might not have long to go.

The Swedish YouTuber, who boasts the most subscribers of any individual creator, decided to start 2020 off with a well-deserved rest from the site. Alongside quitting Twitter in late 2019, he uploaded his final video on January 15.

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Titled “It’s been real, but I’m out,” his last upload has been binged 21 million times by his ever-loyal supports, still eagerly awaiting his return. In his time off, Kjellberg traveled to Japan, where he plans to move permanently in the future.

Instagram: PewDiePie
PewDiePie and Marzia have plans to move to Japan permanently.

At first, he was joined by his wife Marzia, as the pair scoped out their potential new country of residence together once again. Marzia had to return to the UK earlier though, meaning the pair spent almost three weeks apart.

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Finally though, on February 10, Marzia posted to her Instagram to keep fans updated on her husband’s movements. “Felix and I spent almost 3 weeks apart,” she wrote, “You were all writing ‘show us Felix’ when I was missing him too.”

“Suddenly, I saw something moving in the trash,” Marzia teased, as she revealed PewDiePie had returned.

Instagram: itsmarziapie
PewDiePie has returned home, which could mean his YouTube comeback is imminent.

Marzia also revealed that she had been worried for him as he was flying back during Storm Ciara, which hit the UK hard over February 9 and 10. Their pugs were also ecstatic to have PewDiePie back.

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Instagram: itsmarziapie
PewDiePie flew back through Storm Ciara, which grounded some flights.

When is PewDiePie back on YouTube?

Returned safely from Japan, PewDiePie will now be back at his setup for creating videos, but may not feel ready to come back to the grind quite yet.

He didn’t announce a formal return date to his channel, nor did he give much of an estimate of how long the break would last. The one month mark is fast approaching though, on Saturday, February 15.

If he wanted to make it a clean one month hiatus, then this could be a likely return date, but it could be sooner or even later. All we know is that he’s back home, which means he has all the tools at his disposal to start posting again.

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