PewDiePie Mocks Logan Paul “Lies” in Casey Neistat Interview, Addresses Demi Lovato Controversy

PewDiePie has called out Logan Paul for ‘lies’ in his interview with Casey Neistat, and formally responded the recent controversy over his ‘insensitive’ Demi Lovato meme.

PewDiePie has been keeping track of the Logan Paul and KSI boxing match build up, reacting to the various press conferences and now Logan Paul’s controversial interview.

Logan sat down with YouTuber Casey Neistat for an interview lasting over 30 minutes, discussing everything from the suicide forest scandal, his upcoming documentary and of course the boxing match.

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But, just like Casey himself, not many people were convinced by Logan’s claims that he is a changed person since the suicide forest incident, including PewDiePie.

From his own experience, PewDiePie suggests that all of Logan’s recent activity has been public relations, attempts to clean up his image, with his documentary the main part.

“Logan is talking about how this documentary is going to be his ‘redemption’ story, because people love a redemption story. People told me this, verbatim, so many times: ‘You need to do your redemption, you need to film a documentary.’

People told me this many times, that is how you make your comeback. People have told Logan the same thing, that’s why he’s doing this documentary. […] You’re not doing it because you want to, you’re doing it to save your brand. And people are smart enough to see through those things.”

PewDiePie himself has been caught up in controversy this week as well however, after he posted a meme mocking Demi Lovato’s reported heroine overdose.

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At first he says he didn’t understand why people were upset, but realized that he was “kicking on someone” at their lowest point.

“I get why people are upset, this was wrong for me to do. I don’t think it was the worst thing in the world, but it wasn’t a nice thing.”

But he didn’t entirely agree with all the backlash he received, explaining that people made him out to be the “villain” and “bad role model”, all because of a meme.

“You have someone [Lovato] who is a role model to a lot of kids, you make a message about how much better you are now, but then you just fall back into the same pit. Yet somehow I’m the bad role model in this situation, I’m the villain, for just posting a meme about it.”

You can watch PewDiePie’s full video addressing Demi Lovato controversy and Logan Paul below.