Logan Paul Calls out KSI for “Degrading Women” and Attacking His Family, In Revealing Interview with Casey Neistat

Logan Paul has met with fellow YouTuber Casey Neistat to discuss everything from his Suicide Forest video scandal, his upcoming boxing match against KSI and becoming the “new Logan Paul.”

Logan became the most hated person on the internet pretty much overnight at the start of 2018, after he released a video from the Aokigahara forest in Japan, which included footage of a suicide victim’s corpse.

His reputation has struggled to recover since, despite taking a month’s break from social media and releasing a suicide awareness video, it was seen as merely a PR stunt to clean up his own image and get back to making money on YouTube.

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He has been back in the spotlight over recent weeks however, mostly due to the build up for his much anticipated fight against British YouTuber KSI on August 25 – a sell out event at the Manchester Arena.

Renowned YouTube vlogger Casey Neistat sat down with Logan, and asked him the hard questions, revolving mainly around his controversy and how he intends to bounce back with the release of a documentary.

“The ‘brand’ that I was at the time, was just all around insensitive. And that is the person that I am no longer trying to become and will no longer represent on the vlogs.

I’m vegan now, I got a girlfriend who is extremely wise and she helps me grow and be the person I want to become. My content is focused more on positivity and doing what you want to do to achieve your goals.”

Neistat appeared to be unconvinced by Paul’s pledges and promises however, and queried him on what exactly he claims to have learnt during his month off from YouTube and social media.

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“During the month off, it was a lot of talking, meeting, visiting suicide prevention organizations about mental health. Finding out about what it truly is like to have suffered from depression.”

Neistat remained somewhat cynical about his claims to have reformed as an individual, but decided to move on to discussion of the fight. Logan talked more excitedly about this, immediately saying “I’mma beat his ass.”

“The boxing ‘win’ for me, is showing people that even if you fail, even if you get knocked to the ground, even if you feel you’re at the lowest point of your life, you can get up and do something, and still win.

No matter how many people want me to crawl in a hole and die forever, I’m not going to do that. You can fail and still come back.”

As for KSI, Logan only had a few words to spare.

I have no interest in bantering back and forth, with the someone who is the exact person I am trying not to become. By degrading women, by going after my family in a manner that is intended to harm. 

The goal for me is to beat him on August 25. Not talk about how I’m going to beat him, not talk about his family, not talk about what I’m going to do to his girlfriend.