Logan Paul takes shots at Dr Disrespect’s E3 bathroom Twitch ban

Jake 'n Logan, YouTube / Dr Disrespect, Twitch

Popular Twitch streamer Dr Disrespect was met with the ban hammer during E3 2019, after broadcasting inside of public bathrooms at the event – ultimately leading to his expulsion from the Expo, prompting a scathing reaction from YouTuber Logan Paul.

Paul is no stranger to controversy, himself, having made international headlines after filming the body of a suicide victim in Japan’s Aokigahara ‘Suicide Forest’ in early 2018.

However, it takes a controversial figure to know one, and Paul made sure to take some not-so-subtle jabs at the Doc’s E3 slip-up during a video with his younger brother, Jake Paul.

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While Paul himself has been involved in multiple scandals in the past, he joked that there was “no way” the Two-Time could have known of the dangers of streaming in a bathroom, especially considering the possibility that minors could have been filmed during the debacle.

“Point is, dude – stop streaming in bathrooms, please,” Paul laughed. “I get it though, yo. Sometimes, you gotta do it, bro. A simple mistake – not even a mistake, man, who KNEW there was a four-year-old peeing in the stall? Who KNEW? You didn’t know!”

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[Timestamp: 6:13 for mobile viewers]

Jake Paul likewise got in on the action, calling the Doc’s “mishap” “not cool, man.”

While the Two-Time has yet to provide an official statement regarding the debacle, he uploaded a humorous recap video of his time at E3 on June 15, joking about his ban toward the end of the upload.

“I got diarrhea, hot,” he announced, before ducking into a bathroom stall. “Can we find the diarrhea place? I’m starting to get pissed off.”

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The Doc’s ban was met with a rainbow of reactions across the net, with the likes of Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins roasting the situation in a good-humored series of Tweets on June 14.

Others feel that the Doc’s ban was rightly deserved, with massive streamer Michael ‘shroud’ Grzesiek noting that he’d streamed inside of bathrooms four times during his stay at E3.

“Is it a mistake if you do it four times? No,” the streamer said of the matter. “The first time, I can somewhat let it slide. Three times after that, there’s just nothing you can say.”

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Dr Disrespect is still locked in Twitch jail as of June 15, with no forthcoming news regarding the length of his ban.

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