Dr Disrespect jokes about his E3 2019 bathroom disaster after Twitch ban

Dr Disrespect

Popular Twitch streamer Dr Disrespect finally gave his side of the story after being banned from both Twitch and E3 2019 for live streaming in public bathrooms at the event.

For those that have been living under a rock during this year’s E3, Dr Disrespect was banned from both Twitch and from the convention after he kept his stream rolling during multiple bathroom visits.

After an endless amount of jokes and memes about the Two-Time going number two, the Doc has come out with a new YouTube video detailing his first E3 live streaming experience and explains why he visited the restrooms so much.

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“Mishaps lead to recaps”

Doc doesn’t spend a whole lot of time in his latest video talking about the bathroom incident or his bans: the video starts off as you would expect it, with the Two-Time interacting with fans and just hamming it up in general.

He took pictures, hated on mobile gamers, visited the GFuel stand and schmoozed his way through the convention floor – pretty much what you would expect Doc to do during a live stream.

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At the end of the video, towards the 10:20 mark, Disrespect revealed to his crew that he needed to use the bathroom, ASAP.

“I got diarrhea, hot,” The Two-Time said. “Can we find the diarrhea place? I’m starting to get pissed off.”

From there, the video ends with Doc ducking into the nearest men’s room then getting ready in a stall, and the rest is history.

Is Dr Disrespect still in Twitch jail?

At the time of writing, Dr Disrespect is still banned from broadcasting on Twitch due to his E3 bathroom debacle, and there’s still no word on when he’ll officially be back.

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The chances of him receiving a permanent ban are pretty slim, since he’s one of the most popular content creators on the platform – but even though it’s unlikely, we still can’t rule it out altogether.

Plenty of games got a lot of hype at E3 2019, like Cyberpunk 2077 (thanks Keanu) and the Final Fantasy VII Remake, but it seems like Dr Disrespect still managed to steal the show.

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