Gross Gore blasts Mizkif and Pokelawls after blocking on Twitter

Twitch: GrossieGore/Mizkif

Popular Twitch streamer Ali ‘Gross Gore‘ Larsen hit out at fellow broadcasters Mizkif and Pokelawls by explaining why he had moved to unfollow and block the pair of them on Twitter. 

The British streamer who gained popularity through IRL (in-real-life) streams, can usually be found playing Runescape or World of Warcraft these days, keeping to himself rather than collaborating with others.

However, that doesn’t mean that other streamers can’t impact his stream. In fact, he did just that when he aired his feelings about Mizkif and Pokelawls after explaining that he’d had enough of seeing them on Twitter. 

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Gross GoreGross Gore
Gross Gore became pretty popular on Twitch thanks to his unusual early streams.

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During his January 31 stream, the British streamer had been playing Runescape when one of his fans posted a clip of Mizkif reacting to a jokey Twitter video of his in the chat. Immediately, the streamer was confused by how Miz had been watching it, revealing that he had blocked him.

“I’m not joking, I’ve blocked him on Twitter, I blocked him on Twitter – how is he looking at my Twitter?” Gross Gore asked before responding to Mizkif’s reaction to his video. “This is why you’re blocked Mizkif.”

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However, Gross Gore wasn’t finished there, after seeing Pokelawls get in on the act, he revealed that he had unfollowed him too because his fellow streamer had become “annoying as f**k.”

Yet, he circled back to Mizfik – taking aim at him again. “The guy, for like a year and a half, he had 10k subs and 10k viewers, right,” Gross Gore said. “Then, he talks about my Twitter videos and he says ‘oh GrossGore, I hate his Twitter videos, he does them all for attention.’”

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The streamer continued: “Bro, you’ve got 10k subs and 10k viewers, and everything in your world is poggers. ‘Guys, I just took a s**t, poggers.’ Like, what’s up with that? Damn. And as for Pokelawls, I just found him really annoying so I unfollowed him and now he’s crying about it. Just stop. Who gives a f**k.”

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Despite that tangent from his game and attempts at leveling up in Runescape, the streamer quickly returned to his initial conversation – leaving fans laughing about his previous rant. 

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As for his fellow streamers, well, it appears as if they’ll be staying on the blocked and unfollowed list for the foreseeable future – even if they can find a way to get around that.