Forsen hits back at Twitch for ban over “out of context” statements

Blizzard Entertainment

Popular streamer Sebastian ‘Forsen’ Fors slammed Twitch for issuing him a two week ban during his May 23 broadcast. The Swedish personality explained to viewers why he won’t apologize to the platform.

Twitch legend Forsen found himself receiving a ban on May 8 for language he used during a stream. The suspension was for a two weeks – a punishment usually reserved for serious infractions.

On his return stream back to the platform, the Swede hit out at the Amazon-owned company and claims he was taken “out of context.” He also called out the employee that issued the ban, telling them to “re-evaluate their own guidelines.”

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Instagram: @nanisday
The Swedish streamer found himself banned on Twitch for two weeks in early May.

Forsen unloads on Twitch

During his latest broadcast, the streamer called out Twitch for how they handle bans. “What Twitch does is they don’t link you the clip you get banned for. Because then you will review this clip, and find reasons why this ban is [stupid],” he began.

The personality then criticized the platform for taking his rant about voice chat in Valorant out of context. “[Twitch] said context is everything, then f**king context the part where I’m referring to people without voice chat as Russians, and not their ethnicity.”

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Forsen revealed that he had actually appealed the ban and wrote to the company. “I said sure, maybe this should be a one day ban or whatever. Not a f**king two week ban for that s**t, dude!”

He then gave a morbid example of having done something worse before and getting into less trouble. “Mother f***ker, I’ve shown a corpse on stream, alright? And I got like one day ban for that s**t, dude.”

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The popular streamer reiterated that he was talking about voice chat problems in Valorant. “I wanted to clarify that they did not have voice chat. So I said Russians, instead of people without voice chat.” He then hit out at the employee that banned him.

“I’m not apologizing for anything. I didn’t do anything wrong. It was a [stupid] ban by a [mod] on Twitch. I don’t know who, but this guy should review his own f**king guidelines. Because context is indeed everything.”

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The streamer argued that everyone watching his broadcast knew the context with which he was mentioning Russians. “Literally every single one knew what I was referring to!” he exclaimed.

Regardless of what the streamer’s intentions were behind the words he used, Twitch decided to ban his account from the platform for a whopping two weeks.

Thankfully, for fans of the Swedish personality, the suspension is finally lifted. Punishments aside, he continues to crush it, pulling in over 1.3 million followers to his channel.

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