PewDiePie reveals how he got in shape after showing body transformation

Instagram: @itsmarziapie

PewDiePie fans were stunned after the YouTuber revealed his shredded physique on Instagram. Now, the entertainer has opened up about how he obtained his “washboard” abs.

On May 21, PewDiePie’s wife Marzia posted a photo to social media that showed the YouTuber’s incredible physique. The content creator’s ripped look had fans going wild – and, of course, making endless memes, too.

During his live broadcast on May 23, the Swede opened up to viewers about how he got into shape. Pewds explained what food items he had to drop in order for him to get the six-pack that has floored subscribers.

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YouTube: PewDiePie / Instagram: @itsmarziapie
Fans of the YouTuber were stunned by his physical transformation.

PewDiePie reveals how he got shredded

At the beginning of his latest stream, the YouTuber received a donation about his abs. “Pewds, since when did you have shredded washboard abs?” he read. “They came out of nowhere! I was surprised too,” he exclaimed, before revealing he only spends up to five minutes working on his abs a day.

“I don’t even push myself much with it. I quit drinking, which really, really helped. I can tell the difference. I started eating more proteins which fills you up a lot more so I stopped snacking,” the 30-year-old said, and explained that he had also cut soda from his diet, only drinking water and G FUEL.

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The content creator also explained how his mindset began to change after working out. “Once you start working out, it changes your mentality to food. If you go without a certain food that you thought was so important, like fast food, the craving to have it disappears. You feel liberated by it,” he said.

Pewds then cautioned viewers that it’s “tough in the beginning,” but after months of sticking it out, he not only became used to it, but felt better having made the change. The YouTube star finished by adding, “Honestly, once its gone from your diet, you don’t care about it anymore.”

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Following his wife’s post on social media, PewDiePie himself uploaded a picture of his workout equipment to an Instagram Story. The Swede captioned the picture with “My gym setup is so s**t but works lol.”

Instagram: @pewdiepie
The YouTuber showed off his modest workout equipment which helped him get ripped.

Fans of the content creator lost it over his new physique, and over on his subreddit, they quickly created hilarious memes. Users jokingly compared his look to popular anime JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, and credited his abs as a result of his “Floor Gang” philosophy.

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Reddit: u/garfieldxjohn / @candyacne
Over on his Reddit community r/Pewdiepiesubmissions, fans created memes about his new physique.

Those interested in more information on how he got into shape are in luck. Pewds confirmed during his live broadcast that he will likely make a video on his workout regimen, since so many are asking him about it.

Fitness aside, PewDiePie also surprised his viewers by saying goodbye to epic Minecraft series on May 22. With Terraria Let’s Plays and possible exercise videos on the horizon, his audience has a lot to look forward to in 2020.

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