Apex Legends September 10 update fixes game-breaking bugs: Patch notes

Respawn Entertainment

Respawn are releasing a new patch for Apex Legends, targeting multiple bugs that affect Wraith’s Portals, reconnect issues, Knockedown shields not performing to task and more.

The developers are touching on a few areas of Apex that the community has spotlighted in the last several weeks. Wraith’s Portals have been disappearing around the Arena, with the devs noticing that sometimes the ability could get ‘eaten’ throughout the map.

Meanwhile, Knockdown Shields have been letting bullets pass right through them, rendering the last-line of defense ineffective when players are trying to stay alive long enough to get revived.

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These changes are going to hopefully stabilize some of the more pressing issues that Apex Legends players have been coming across lately.

Apex Legends ring bugvia Snow_pizza Reddit
Among other fixes in the Apex Legends patch, Ring logic should end oddly placed boundries.

Ring Logic is getting smarter

Among some of the more pressing issues within the battle royale, one change that players are going to enjoy is an apparent fix to the ‘Ring logic.’ This pertains to the wonky ring locations that would make the final rounds nearly unplayable.

For the most crucial instances, this would lead to game-breaking situations where, for example, a Ring would barely have enough room to fit a team since it would mostly be filled with unplayable areas of the map.

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This would obviously have in-game implications for teams trying to fight over any kind of reasonable position in the waning moments of a game. But with a better algorithm to scope out the next Ring, these problems should be smoothed over.

Respawn Entertainment
Wraith Portals have been disappearing in Apex Legends.

Disappearing Wraith Portals

Wraith mains have been playing with extreme caution in regards to placing portals on the Arena. There’s been recurring reports of the Interdimensional Rifts disappearing from the Apex Games shortly after being placed.

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We’ve seen this affect players who tried to use the ability to get away from danger only to have the Portals go awry, leaving them open and vulnerable to flurries of gunfire.

Obviously, this throws a major wrench in Wraith’s ability kit and usage. And as far and few between it would be for the bug to appear, the devs have sorted the issue all the same.

Septiii Tian via YouTube
There were times when Apex Legends players would get shot through their Knockdown Shields.

Knockdown Shields bug fix

Following the August 20 patch, players found that the Knockdown Shields were compromised in some cases, letting bullets hit the downed target even though the barrier was raised.

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As an item whose sole purpose is to prevent players from getting instantly thirsty, this was frustrating many who had come across the glitch. Luckily, this problem is going to get resolved with the upcoming patch.

The devs had their eye on this problem for a little while now and are prepared to get a fix to the Knockdown Shields.

Take a look at the changelist below to see what’s coming in the September 10 patch from Respawn Entertainment.

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Apex Legends September 10 patch notes

  • Improvements to Reconnect
  • Wraith portals disappearing if place in certain areas
  • Knockdown shields not blocking shots
  • Beacons showing up in minimap but not in-world
  • Improved Ring logic
  • Several game logic errors