Apex Legends dev responds to annoying bug deleting Wraith’s portals

Wraith void skin doing a finisher in Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment

Respawn developers have responded to a strange Apex Legends bug that is completely deleting Wraith’s Dimensional Rift portals from the map.

Wraith still remains to be one of the most popular characters in Apex Legends for her unique abilities and evasive playstyle, which can lead to plenty of outplays.

The fan-favorite Legend is best known for creating portals to get her and her teammates out of dodge, but there have been problems with her abilities in the past, such as one bug which would turn her portal into a death trap.

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image of wraiths dimensional rift from Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
Apex players have found a new bug with Wraith’s Dimensional Rift.

There now seems to be a new issue with Wraith’s “Dimensional Rift” ultimate ability, which is apparently deleting the Legend’s portal before she has a chance to use them.

A clip of this bug was shared by Apex pro ZachMazer, who showed off a lowlight of himself running towards opponents with the ability activated, so that he could safely bring his teammates into the fight.

However, after attempting to place the portal for his teammates to join the fight, it was seemingly removed from the area, leaving him stranded alone with the opposing team.

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The Apex pro was immediately killed by the surrounding players, later calling for Respawn developers to fix this bizarre bug.

Apex Legends dev Josh Medina responded to this unusual glitch, revealing that he had already passed the clip on to the QA team to try and find a fix.

“I sent the clip to our QA to see,” he explained, “we’ve seen reports of Wraith portals being eaten similar to your clip so it’s something folks are trying to [reproduce] consistently.”

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Although Respawn devs are working on ways to fix this annoying bug, as of now, it is still unclear when exactly this issue will be patched in Apex Legends.