Apex Legends dev responds to weird Heirloom damage bug in Season 6

Respawn Entertainment

Respawn developers have responded to a strange glitch with Heirloom melee weapons in Apex Legends, which makes it much more difficult to destroy Rampart’s Amped Cover ability.

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Following the addition of Rampart in Season 6, Apex Legends now has 14 unique characters, each with their own abilities and playstyles for players to choose between.

However, some Apex fans have noticed a strange glitch with the new Legend’s Amped Cover ability, making it take up to seven times longer to destroy the barrier with Heirloom melee weapons equipped.

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Rampart's amped cover ability in Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
A bug with Rampart’s Amped Cover makes it almost indestructible to players with Heirlooms.

Rampart’s Amped Cover ability provides her and her teammates with a barrier, that blocks incoming shots and amps outgoing bullets, but this tactical ability has also been used to help block off certain passageways around the map.

For opposing players, destroying this cover usually only takes a few hits but, for some reason, players with Heirlooms have noticed a dramatic increase in the time it takes to melee this crouch-cover wall.

One Apex player, u/MoodyAbbacchio, revealed that they had to melee the Amped Cover 14 times with Octane’s Heirloom before it was finally destroyed, however, after switching to a character without an Heirloom, the barrier would fall after only two punches.

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The post received plenty of support with some fans even calling it a “pay-to-lose” bug, claiming that it can slow you down and make you an easy target when you need to destroy Rampart’s barrier in Apex Legends.

Respawn Game Director Chad Greiner responded to this bizarre Heirloom bug, revealing that, although the battle royale’s developers are taking a week off, a fix would be coming soon:

“The Apex team is enjoying a much needed week off right now,” Greiner explained, “but we have a fix for this that hopefully goes out next week.”

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Although the patch is expected to roll out next week, the release date for this update has yet to be confirmed but we’ll be sure to update you once more is revealed.