Apex Legends player designs perfect new ability for Pathfinder


An Apex Legends player has come up with a pretty interesting rework for Pathfinder’s passive ability that would allow the Forward Scout to become an even better teammate than he already is.

While plenty of Apex Legends players have been enjoying Respawn Entertainment’s battle royale, there are others who want to make their mark on it outside of just winning games and vaulting up the leaderboards.

These creative fans are coming up with new skin concepts, ideas for limited-time game modes, map changes, and pretty much anything else you can think of. Though, their most popular ideas come in the form of legend reworks – and the newest one focuses on Pathfinder.

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Respawn Entertainment
Pathfinder is one of Apex’s most popular legends to play as.

Put forward by Reddit user wicked_fool, who also came up with ideas for Octane, the Pathfinder rework idea would see the current passive ability, Insider Knowledge, thrown out the window and replaced. 

Instead of that ability, Pathfinder would have a new ability called “I’ve got you, Friend.” Taking inspiration from the character’s voice line, this passive would allow Pathfinder players to use their grappling hook to bring teammate deathboxes closer to them in order to pick up banners more easily. 

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They’d also be able to cut through and any pre-made ziplines from the Zipline Gun ultimate – be it one of their own so that they can’t be followed, or one from an enemy team that would disrupt their movement.

Of course, the idea seemed to be pretty popular with fellow players who want to have another legend like Crypto that can retrieve banners from a death box without risking their lives to do so.

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However, no matter how popular or feasible the idea might seem, the only way a change of that magnitude gets made is if Respawn sees it as something they want to do. The proposed fan concept would no doubt shake up the current Apex Legends meta, but the developers would have to keep it balanced or every legend would end up with pretty powerful abilities.