Apex Legends rework idea injects Octane with super-soldier skills


Octane is one of the least impactful Apex Legends characters, but one fan may have figured out a way to change that — with an amped-up rework concept.

There is a reason that Octane is less popular than the other legends. His abilities aren’t particularly conducive to teamwork, but aren’t individual game-changers either.

The jump pad is fun and the speed boost may sometimes give you an edge, but, generally, his abilities don’t bring anything new to the table – they just simply enhance normal behavior. Redditor ‘wicked_fool’ has adopted that modus operandi, and pushed it to the limits with an intriguing rework concept.

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Aside from one sinister addition, the revamp follows EA’s intentions by simply turning Octane into an amped-up super soldier. 

His tactical ability, “Stim,” still enables him to move 30 percent faster while costing health. His passive, “Swift Mend,” still regenerates health when not taking damage. And his ultimate, the “Launch Pad,” still deploys a device fit for catapulting him and his teammates.

But, in this rework, the Stim grants additional bonuses: you can throw grenades further, aim down sights sooner, swap weapons faster, jump higher, and climb quicker. While, in its present state, the Stim is best-suited for traversing the map or recouping your fallen teammates’ banners – these improvements completely validate its usage in combat.

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Instead of using Stim to hit a flank and show up injured, albeit with great speed, the reworked ability would have you flung into combat like some sort of shieldless, gun-toting Captain America. 

Apex is a game predicated on mobility and fast-paced gunplay, so the ADS, weapon swap and movement buffs could easily shift fights in your favor. 

Possibly the funnest ability addition is “Swift End,” which was tossed in as another passive skill. Currently, you need to either devote the time to shoot, or use a finisher on, a downed opponent to seal a kill – but this ability would enable Octane to inject an unwilling foe with his Stim and speed up their bleeding process.

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Finishers take time you may not have during a fight, that’s where “Swift End” comes in.


That’s a creative, new use for something that was otherwise limited. 

Finally, the ultimate’s change, simply granting Octane “more lift and distance” from his jump pad, isn’t particularly novel or interesting. But, like the rest of these changes, it seems aimed at giving method to the maniacal legend’s madness.

With these changes, Octane could shift from just reckless to still reckless, but souped up, amped up and dangerous to opposing teams.

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