Apex Legends ALGS Summer Circuit Playoffs final placements & results

Apex Legends Global Series Summer Circuit

After two days of many intense matches, the Apex Legends Global Series Summer Circuit Playoffs are over and four teams have been crowned regional champions of the ALGS Summer Circuit.

After months of preparation and build-up, the event has finally concluded with four teams taking their victory in their respective regions and crowning themselves as the champions.

In APAC North, Black Bird Ventus took home $15,000 as they made first place with 79 points. On the other side, LYNX TH won with 89 points and pocketed $15,000 as they came first place in APAC South.

Counter Logic Gaming are the winners of the Americas regional tournament with 94 points, receiving a prize pool share of $36,000. Last but not least, GnaskeStrafeDel took home an identical share of $36,000 as they won the tournament in EMEA region with 71 points.

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Final Placements

APAC North Winner – BlackBird Ventus

Despite coming in at third place in the APAC North regional playoffs, Japanese esports org BlackBird Ventus took home their region’s Summer Circuit crown, finishing ahead of T1 and OP.GG, who were first and second in the tournament, respectively.

ALGS Placements Team Tournament Points ALGS Points $ USD
1st BlackBird Ventus 79 4,500 $15,000
2nd T1 4,350 $10,200
3rd OP.GG 80 4,275 $6,750
4th JUPITER VEGA 4,200 $4,725
5th SunSister God 58 4,125 $3,480
6th Crazy Raccoon 56 4,050 $2,700
7th Way Myriad 46 3,975 $2,025
8th MUSCLEKingdom 3,900 $1,350
9th JUPITER XENA 42 3,825 $1,110
10th Hybrid Eclipse Arise 36 3,750 $960
11th GTS Temporary 35 3,675 $840
12th Connect Gaming 34 3,600 $780
13th REJECT 28 3,525 $720
14th LFT 28 3,450 $660
15th Luster7 28 3,375 $600
16th ZERO doragon 27 3,300 $540
17th SCARZ Black 25 3,225 $480
18th Crest Gaming 21 3,150 $420
19th SCARZ White 18 3,075 $360
20th  CrazyCatsCosmo IXiA 3,000 $300

APAC South winner – LYNX TH

Apex Legends LYNX TH ALGS Summer Circuit APAC SouthLYNX TH
LYNX TH crowned themselves as the champions of the APAC South regional tournament.

LYNX TH was ahead of the crowd during the ALGS Summer Circuit. The team devastated their opponents with 89 points in the final scoring, which is over 30 points ahead of DreamFire who placed second, and MiTH T2 who placed third.

ALGS Placements Team Tournament Points ALGS Points $ USD
1st LYNX TH 89 4,500 $15,000
2nd DreamFire 56 4,350 $10,200
3rd MiTH T2 54 4,275 $6,750
4th iG 53 4,200 $4,725
5th EXO 52 4,125 $3,480
6th MiTH T1 50 4,050 $2,700
7th Thonburi 47 3,975 $2,025
8th Xavier Esports 37 3,900 $1,350
9th Athaim 36 3,825 $1,110
10th JESTER 33 3,750 $960
11th Morph Team 33 3,675 $840
12th RedSea Perangai 27 3,600 $780
13th HEKTIIK 26 3,525 $720
14th AG 26 3,450 $660
15th WPACK ALPHA 26 3,375 $600
16th WPACK ARCTIC 23 3,300 $540
17th WTFRangers 22 3,225 $480
18th Griefing Apes 16 3,150 $420
19th 1NL 12 3,075 $360
20th AF Hexa 3 3,000 $300

Americas winner – Counter Logic Gaming

Americas Counter Logic Gaming Apex Legends Summer CircuitCounter Logic Gaming
Counter Logic Gaming won the ALGS Summer Circuit Americas regional tournament.

Complexity took first place in the Americas Playoffs in convincing fashion, but it was not enough to unseat Counter Logic Gaming’s in the grand scheme of things, as CLG’s second-place finish was good enough to see them come out on top of the regional standings.

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Placements Team Tournament Points ALGS Points $ USD
 1st  Counter Logic Gaming 82 4,500 $36,000
 2nd  Complexity Gaming 94 4,350 $25,250
 3rd  Flying Drone 70 4,275 $18,000
 4th  NRG Esports 63 4,200 $12,600
5th  AimAssist 60 4,125 $9,000
6th  Team SoloMid 54 4,050 $7,200
7th  Sentinels 52 3,975 $5,400
8th  303 Esports 49 3,900 $3,600
9th  Team Liquid 48 3,825 $3,150
10th  Rogue 40 3,750 $2,700
11th  HRN 36 3,675 $2,520
12th  Da Squaaad 33 3,600 $2,340
13th  Team Superior 32 3,525 $2,160
14th  CPTL eSports 25 3,450 $1,980
15th  BRAZUCAS 23 3,375 $1,800
16th  Sola Fide 23 3,300 $1,620
17th  smile 20 3,225 $1,440
18th  Millions Gaming 17 3,150 $1,260
19th  Yeet Squad 10 3,075 $1,080
20th  GODSENT 10 3,000 $900

EMEA winner – GnaskeStrafeDel

GnaskeStrafeDel performed exceptionally during the EMEA regional tournament. The team popped off and ended the tournament with the second placing team, North pushing into them aggressively outside the zone, in hopes to surprise GnaskeStrafeDel.

Placements Team Tournament Points ALGS Points $ USD
 1st GnaskeStrafeDel 71 4,500 $36,000
 2nd North 60 4,350 $25,250
 3rd K1CK 50 4,275 $18,000
 4th Nessy 45 4,200 $12,600
5th TI 45 4,125 $9,000
6th Luminosity Gaming 42 4,050 $7,200
7th Gambit 38 3,975 $5,400
8th Alliance 37 3,900 $3,600
9th MajorPushers 33 3,825 $3,150
10th FlavorOfTheMouth 29 3,750 $2,700
11th  Les cités de France 28 3,675 $2,520
12th LZR 28 3,600 $2,340
13th Varazze 25 3,525 $2,160
14th OUTSIDERS 23 3,450 $1,980
15th ad hoc gaming 20 3,375 $1,800
16th Exorcism 11 3,300 $1,620
17th FB 10 3,225 $1,440
18th GO 5 3,150 $1,260
19th 25 Esports 5 3,075 $1,080
20th Lava City Boys 4 3,000 $900

Tournament Format

ALGS Summer Circuit Playoffs featured tournaments in Super Regions. Each team in each region earned points through kills and placements in games. The team with the most victories and kills earned standing points that led them higher up in tournament placements.

Point Distribution
Place Points
Kill Points 1 per kill
1st 12
2nd 9
3rd 7
4th 5
5th 4
6 – 7th 3
8 – 10th 2
11 – 15th 1
16- 20th 0

The Apex Legends Global Series will continue with its Autumn Circuit, with qualifiers starting on October 5. The Playoffs commence on December 19.