Apex Legends devs are removing a single tree because everyone hates it

Trees on kings canyon map in apex legendsJake Virginia / Respawn Entertainment

Respawn developers have confirmed that they will be removing a single tree from Kings Canyon in-game, after it has left countless Apex Legends players frustrated over its position.

Kings Canyon was the first map available for Apex Legends players to try, but as the seasons have unfolded, the OG map has seen some major changes, such as the removal of Skulltown and the addition of different vault.

However, one bizarre change that Apex players have been calling for Respawn to make on the classic map is the removal of a single tree, that has indirectly caused plenty of deaths because of its awkward position.

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Salvage poi in apex legendsRespawn Entertainment
Apex fans are calling for a tree near the new Salvage POI to be removed.

The tree, which is near the new “Salvage” point-of-interest in the southwest corner of the map, has been frustrating for quite a while, and Respawn has now finally revealed that they would be getting rid of it in a future update.

Respawn’s decision to remove the frustrating tree was shared after Apex player u/kolkoin highlighted just how devastating it can be in-game, running away from a fight before getting hilariously stuck between the tree and the wall.

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“Respawn devs please remove this tree,” kolkoin pleaded, claiming it has affected plenty of Apex fans since it was added, “this tree has caused so many tragedies it’s not even funny.”

Apex Legends dev Absurdist responded to the post noting that “it will be done,” although it may take a short while before it is removed in-game.

“It might be a little bit before this gets in to live,” they explained, thanking the player for pointing out “pain points” like this on the map and added that it could help guide their future map changes.

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Reddit screentshot of Apex Legends developerReddit
Respawn dev Absurdist’s response.

Apex Producer Josh Medina seemingly also commented on the tree being removed, suggesting that a ‘fix’ for it has already been prepared ahead of the next update.

While it is still unclear just when the tree will be removed from the live version of the game, Apex players can rest assured knowing that it won’t be much longer until the map is clear of this hazard.