Stream sniper punches Johnny Somali as YouTuber continues to cause chaos in Korea

johnny somali attacked in koreaYouTube

Controversial YouTuber Johnny Somali was punched in the face by a stream sniper in South Korea as locals are getting fed up with his antics.

IRL streamer Johnny Somali is no stranger to drama. In the past, he’s been fined in Japan for causing trouble inside a restaurant and was arrested in Israel for harassing a female police officer.

Johnny Somali’s latest venture has brought him to Korea and he’s continued with his antics that got him in trouble in other countries.

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Since arriving, he’s had multiple confrontations with police, filmed customers at a cosmetics store without their permission, and made headlines when he inappropriately touched a statue symbolizing the victims of sexual slavery.

With locals getting fed up with his antics, some have taken matters into their own hands by stream-sniping Somali and confronting him.

On October 24, one such sniper approached Somali, completely decked him with a powerful right hook, and began walking away.

Somali’s cameraman, Jino, tried to intervene, but the man simply grabbed his phone. When Jino tried to get it back, the man threw the device away and continued walking.

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Although the YouTuber gave chase and kept challenging the man to fight, the local didn’t want to escalate things, and Somali eventually gave up his pursuit.

Johnny suffered a cut above his eye due to the punch, but claimed that he’s been “f**ked up worse” in the past and wasn’t too concerned about the damage.

“It could have been a lot worse. Thank God he didn’t hit my actual eye. My eye is good. He just hit my eyebrow. That’s cool. That sh*t should heal in a couple of days,” he said.

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This isn’t the first time that local citizens have attacked Somali on stream. In 2023, a Japanese citizen smacked the streamer after making racist outbursts.