Cody Rhodes vs Logan Paul is a no-win situation for the WWE

Cody Rhodes and Logan Paul will lock horns at King and Queen of the Ring, but the WWE has painted itself into a corner.YouTube: WWE on FOX

Cody Rhodes and Logan Paul will square off at the WWE King and Queen of the Ring PLE in an expected championship vs championship matchup.

Rhodes appeared on the May 10 episode of SmackDown and began cutting a promo in the ring before general manager Nick Aldis dropped some major news.

After congratulating Rhodes for successfully defending his championship against AJ Styles, Aldis immediately turned the page and revealed The American Nightmare’s next opponent.

As Logan Paul’s music hit, the stunned Wilkes-Barre crowd showered the United States champion with a chorus of boos as he made his way to the ring.

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However, Paul had a strong retort by letting fans and Rhodes know that he is the longest-running champion in the WWE, having held the US title for over six months.

“Three years ago at WrestleMania, Cody Rhodes and I debuted on the same night. And since then, I have been the rocket fuel for the spaceship that is WWE,” Paul remarked.

“I bet a lot of people stand across from you and assume just what a dumbass [you are],” Rhodes replied crassly.

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“As fun as that would be, I’m not going to call you a podcaster, a YouTuber, an influencer. I’m not going to pretend this is a fad for you.

“You’re the guy who went toe-for-toe with Floyd Mayweather, right? Under 40, and you made the Forbes list? Fourth or fifth match, you won the United States Championship?”

The promo ended as Rhodes accepted Paul’s challenge, with both champions hoisting their belts high in the air and locking eyes once again before SmackDown cut to a commercial.

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Backlash from Cody Rhodes vs Logan Paul reveal

Almost immediately, wrestling fans took to social media and ridiculed the decision by WWE to pit its two most popular champions against one another at King and Queen of the Ring.

A section of the fandom questioned Paul’s legitimacy for the belt, claiming it’s far too early in his career to make this type of world championship push — against Rhodes, no less.

It reads as a no-win situation for the WWE, as a Paul win would risk alienating the “die-hard” fans, while others could view Rhodes becoming a double champion as overexposure.

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Either way, Paul should not leave Saudi Arabia as the WWE Universal champion for a myriad of reasons.

Why Logan Paul shouldn’t win vs Cody Rhodes

Paul is undoubtedly a megastar in the WWE. His immense social media following significantly boosts the live events in which he appears, and there are numbers to support this claim.

Paul has proven his standing as a premier in-ring performer in only 18 months with the company. His athleticism shows up all over the highlight reel, including this fabled Royal Rumble spot with Ricochet.

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Going further, Paul’s an expert at generating heat from the crowd. As a top heel in the promotion, ‘The Maverick’ knows his role and plays it perfectly as a hated villain.

But, as remarkable as his young career has been in the WWE, it’s still far too early to put the company’s most prestigious prize around his waist. Let me explain why.

Wrestling fans will remember that Paul previously challenged for the WWE Universal Championship against Roman Reigns at the 2022 Crown Jewel in Saudi Arabia, in only his third match ever.

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Although it was a jarring decision to include Paul in a title bout that quickly, the WWE was clearly propping up its new social media star by placing him in the main event.

It looks like the company is doing the same in 2024, even though Paul, to his credit, has a much stronger track record of success now than his championship match against Reigns.

While it’s true that his resume is building, there’s no reason why he should be fighting Rhodes in the main event other than for increased viewership in a massive overseas market.

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Paul would be better suited to defend the United States Championship against other contenders, something he’s only done a few times since winning it, rather than pursue another title.

It’s hard to imagine the WWE taking Rhodes’ belt off his shoulder this early into the reign, which leaves the match’s outcome all too predictable for fans. And it sets up Paul for a no-win situation.

Either the fight will end in disqualification, which would see both men retain their titles, leaving a stain on the PLE because of a sullied main event bout.

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Or Paul will lose to Rhodes, costing him his place as the United States champion and saddling him with a head-to-head loss that would halt his fast-growing momentum.

And, if Paul does win the WWE Universal Championship by some chance, he would arguably have the company’s two most prestigious titles.

That should be the crowning achievement for any WWE superstar’s career, but given how rushed it feels, it would run the risk of going down as a shock value cash grab.

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Paul being a champion solely due to his popularity, rather than actually being deserving is a narrative that has chased the social media star since winning the US title. It would only worsen with a win at King and Queen of the Ring.

Simply put, WWE fans will reject Paul ascending to the top of the mountain so quickly at the expense of Rhodes, who just took two years to reach the summit of professional wrestling.

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No outcome — win, lose, or draw — will look good for the WWE, begging the question, why was this match ever created in the first place? Ultimately, money appears to be the only factor that makes sense.