WoW Season of Discovery phase length continues to divide players

The Season of Discovery WoW logoBlizzard Entertainment

World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery has been a massive success for Blizzard, but the implementation of one of its defining features is causing significant debate among the WoW community.

For those who have somehow avoided the hubbub surrounding WoW’s newest flavor, Season of Discovery is widely seen as Blizzard’s attempt to make Classic+ a reality. With new experiences, raids and loot, Classic players have excitedly explored a uniquely refreshed Vanilla Azeroth.

One of the significant changes from the standard version of the game is the level cap, which is initially locked at 25. This will increase incrementally as the game enters later phases, up to 40, 50 and eventually 60.

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Now, this setup is causing some controversy as players debate the appropriate amount of time between each phase of the game.

Many WoW players want Season of Discovery phases to last longer

In a post on Reddit, one user shared their belief that each phase of the game should last for three months, specifically to increase the value of the experience overall.

The debate arises thanks to the apparent dichotomy between those who can only afford to spend a few hours gaming per week and more hardcore players. Additionally, many would like to level and gear alts, whereas others are only interested in using one character.

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This creates vastly different rates of content completion, with single-character, hardcore players able to burn through most of the content in a matter of days.

Some were quick to point out that disillusionment with the first phase at this point is due to the lack of playability and utility for many classes at level 25. One said: “Eh. I don’t think anyone wants to bumrush 60 but classes gain much more playability at 40. This next phase will be really fun.”

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Another added: “Why spend lots of time on low lvl cap where you can’t even utilize most of the classes identity, and no mount and only WSG. And we all know WSG is a snooze fest. Shorten the timespan for lvl 25 and extend the timespan for lvl 40.”

Despite these more recent complaints, Season of Discovery continues to draw big numbers for Blizzard. With 2024 now well underway, the developer will be looking to maintain the momentum they have built up so far.

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