WoW Hunter pets are lying in wait for unsuspecting BFD players in Season of Discovery

A Hunter runs from a T-Rex in WoW Classic Season of DiscoveryBlizzard Entertainment

The humble Hunter has risen to spectacular prominence in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery, and their pets have become so effective they are now working near-autonomously to farm kills.

Season of Discovery did a lot to change the existing meta in Classic World of Warcraft. Classes were imbued with new powers and abilities via the Rune Engraving system, with some even able to operate in previously impossible roles.

None benefited more from the outset than the Hunter, who saw their damage output increased significantly thanks to the newfound prowess of their pets. In particular, Scorpids were able to output more damage than most classes before they were nerfed into the ground.

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Even with those nerfs, Hunters remain a potent force, and they have found a new and ingenious way of farming honorable PvP kills without much effort at all.

Hunter Owl pets pictured waiting for victims outside BFD

In a post on Reddit, one user shared a screenshot of numerous Alliance Hunter Owl pets waiting outside the new Blackfathom Deeps 10-man raid adaptation.

The screenshot was taken on the Lone Wolf US server, and it features thirteen owls all set to aggressive, with the express purpose of allowing hunters to farm AFK Honor Kills. Despite its appearance, what’s going on is perfectly legal according to the game’s T&Cs. Players are permitted to multibox (run multiple accounts simultaneously), which seems to be what is happening here.

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The image was met with a mixture of anger and jaded humor by players who have seen similar events happen before. One said: “It never fails to amaze me how awful the WoW community can be lol.”

Others wanted people to stop complaining and solve the issue the old-fashioned way – by banding together and killing the pets. Another added: “Exactly. Everyone is 25 and in the zone anyway. It’s not like a bunch of lvl 60s are camping a lvl 25 spot. This is the most fair wPvP environment we ever got, the people complaining really don’t get the idea of wPvP. You’re supposed to ask for help.”

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The meta could be turned on its head with phase two launching soon. That said, the level cap increase to 40 has many predicting that the Hunter could be even stronger, thanks to utility against spells like Polymorph. Plenty is still up for debate, but players will not have long to wait before they see how their class has fared.