Entire WoW Classic server throws massive parade after Asmongold hits level 60

Asmongold, Twitch / Blizzard Entertainment

An entire World of Warcraft Classic server has exploded in celebration after popular Twitch streamer Asmongold finally hit level 60 during his Sunday stream.

WoW Classic has exploded in the gaming world and on Twitch since its re-release two weeks ago, and perhaps none have enjoyed the return of Blizzard’s world-famous MMORPG as much as dedicated Azeroth hero Asmongold.

As Asmon and his group were descending into the Scholomance, the WoW personality realized he was just a kill or two away from the major milestone, and started to get excited.

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 “Alright, this could be it right here, this could be it,” he said as they cleared neophytes and researchers. “After two weeks, every day playing over 12 hours a day, always being streamed online, this right here, this is it.”

Of course, Asmongold is a seasoned WoW player and knew how much experience he needed – the level dinged, he hit 60, and as his chat exploded he just sat back with a pleased smile on his face, raising a fist in celebration.

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“The journey is at long last over,” said the newly max-cap player. “Guys listen up, whenever I originally started playing Classic I told myself I was going to go as hard as a motherfucker.

“Every day I’ve logged on and I’ve raided. I’ve farmed as hard as I could, and today that journey is over. Today we have reached level 60. Fuck yes dude, fuck yes dude.”

After that, it was time to party. Asmongold returned to Stormwind City, where players from all over his server had already arrived ready to party. The new level 60 put on Queen’s ‘We Are The Champions’ and walked through hundreds of celebrating server members.

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Just as players did when the World’s First level 60 Jokerd first hit max-cap, many let off spells and fireworks to mark the momentous occasion, marching through the streets behind Asmongold as he just drank in the server-wide celebrations.

The WoW-centric streamer has had his fair share of highs and lows in the first fortnight of Classic, including watching someone else hit level 60 first and being targetted by fans who say he’s “failed” the game, but now it’s nothing but smiles for the veteran.

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Now his loyal followers will be eager to see what he does next – he’s already organized a massive PvP event, and could even prepare for the end-game’s Molten Core raid.