Team Liquid’s Naguura: WoW can pull players back by “leaving Shadowlands behind”

world of warcraft wow team liquid streamer naguura against sepulcher of the first ones backgroundBlizzard Entertainment, Team Liquid, Dexerto

As the World of Warcraft Shadowlands story comes to a close, all eyes are on the next WoW expansion and where we’ll see our heroes go next. Despite Shadowlands’ issues, Twitch star and Team Liquid creator, Naguura, believes that Blizzard can pull players back to Azeroth. 

As the curtain falls on World of Warcraft’s latest expansion, WoW Shadowlands, and all eyes look to the next chapter of the WoW story, the conclusion of the divisive story arc has left many among the community hoping for a fresh start.

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While the patch 9.2 raid, Sepulcher of the First Ones, dominates esports headlines due to the still ongoing Race to World First, the announcement that Blizzard will reveal the eleventh expansion in late March 2022, is what everyone is looking forward to.

Team Liquid streamer and MMORPG queen, Naguura, is among them, and she’s holding out hope that a new story will entice former players to dive into the world of Azeroth all over again.

world of warcraft wow shadowlands patch 9.2 sepulcher of the first ones raid bossBlizzard Entertainment
The Sepulcher of the First Ones Race to World First has proven incredibly challenging.

Naguura reveals how Blizzard can coax WoW players back

With the Jailer defeated and all being (somewhat) right in the WoW Shadowlands universe, Naguura believes that Blizzard’s key to success with upcoming expansions is to just retcon the Shadowlands story.

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In order to rejuvenate the community’s love for WoW, she notes “I definitely think just leaving Shadowlands and the Jailer behind” is the key to Blizzard’s success. “That was obviously not popular. People hated the Jailer as a villain and they also hated the whole Covenants forcing you to choose. All of that kind of stuff, wasn’t really, you know, a party hit with the players.

“So doing something completely different or maybe even going back to stories that they build on previous in previous expansions; I think that is the way to go for them – just forget Shadowlands ever kind of happened when it comes to the lore.”

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world of warcraft wow shadowlands 9.2 eternity's end the jailer wings mace at cameraBlizzard Entertainment
Some things are best left in the past.

While she argues “doing something completely new or going back to whatever is probably the way to go for lore to bring back players,” Naguura also believes that “bigger announcements” would help promote some hype around events and new content.

“I think people kind of get bored of the same thing over and over and over, so maybe if they have some great ideas – something similar to how Mythic Plus was announced in Legion – that people [would be] really excited about. Maybe they should try something like that again.

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“Of course, it’s easier said than done – you know, just invent a great thing,” she laughs. “I’m sure they can, you know, come up with something. So I’m excited for it.”

As all eyes look to the future, Naguura is hoping for “nice zones that are not destroyed” whose colorful plateaus will lure players back into the ever-expanding world of Azeroth. As the announcement date for the new expansion draws ever closer, we’ll be crossing our fingers from Mists of Pandaria-style vistas – both for Naguura’s sake and our own!

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