What is Season of Discovery? World of Warcraft Classic+ explained

The Season of Discovery LogoBlizzard Entertainment

Old-school World of Warcraft players finally got the news they were waiting for when Blizzard announced the arrival of their first attempt at Classic+ back at Blizzcon, entitled Season of Discovery.

When it was first announced, players were unsure what to make of Season of Discovery. Now that it’s finally here, the community seems to like much of what Blizzard has tried to do in their latest seasonal efforts. Though there are some complaints, it’s undeniably a hugely refreshing foray into Azeroth.

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Though the traditional experience remains initially, after the first level, players receive their first quest to retrieve a Rune. These Runes add significant power and new abilities to each class that entirely transform how they play. Here is Dexerto’s full guide on World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery.

Season of Discovery introduces new concepts to the original game

Harvest Watchers in Classic Season of DiscoveryBlizzard Entertainment

Leveling and zones in Season of Discovery

The most obvious change between Classic and Season of Discovery is the new level cap, initially set at 25 before progressing to 40 in the current phase. This doesn’t make for a Classic+ experience in and of itself. Still, the developers have added further adventures to existing zones and altered some content to provide surprises wherever players turn.

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The level cap is set to increase in content phases of around a few months. The game is now in its second phase, with the third phase set to be activated on April 4. In theory, this will also see the level cap increase to a new high of 50. The usual dungeons remain, but the big news is that an altered version of The Sunken Temple will be the latest to get the raid update. In this instance, it is geared towards 20 players, rather than the 10 of earlier phases.

The other big new feature in Season of Discovery has been PvP experiences in Ashenvale and Stranglethorn Vale. In the third phase of the game, players won’t be getting an entirely new event, with the developer choosing to instead updating the existing Blood Moon event in STV. The free-for-all event has proved largely popular with players, despite some notable issues.

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Discoveries and Rune Engraving in Season of Discovery

Starting from the beginning, the game is identical at Level 1, with the opening zone experience looking much the same. At level 2, however, players receive their first instructions to find a Rune. Known as Discoveries, these are the crux of the experience, with each Discovery different from the last.

Specifically, players are either sent on unique quests to unlock these Runes or they are simply able to be found in the open world. Though these are wildly varied, some quests ask players to earn rep before purchasing the Rune, while others require killing and looting a rare spawn. Another is a drop chance from normal mobs, and some are just hidden in secret caves or underwater. The rune reward at the end has a specific class ability tied to it. Critically, any class can use any class ability they discover, transforming the existing class system and allowing many to take on previously impossible roles (in theory).

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Initially, three slots for Rune-engraved gear were unlocked at the Level 25 cap, with chest, legs, and hands as the offering during the first phase. This has since increased to five, with players now able to add Runes to their belt and boot slots in addition.

With so many different versions of Azeroth now available for players to enjoy, it’s arguably never been a better time to be a part of the community.

Cataclysm Classic is also on the way to join the other eras, with WotLK servers advancing to the arrival of Deathwing later this year. Hardcore servers are also as healthy as ever. If Blizzard can elevate the retail version of the game to the same level, then they could enter a new era of success.

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