Valorant ranked reset discouraging players thanks to high elo opponents

image of Viper from ValorantRiot Games

Valorant players have noticed that games are much harder to win following the ranked reset for Episode 9, leaving many discouraged from trying to rank up. However, the reason for this phenomenon is relatively simple.

Following the ranked reset, every player from the highest on the ladder to the lowest has been placed back a few tiers following some placement games. This means players ranked Immortal or Ascendant in Episode 8 are now slumming it in Platinum lobbies.

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One Valorant player explained the community’s frustration in a Reddit post, showcasing his experience trying to rank up following the reset.

“This lobby was way harder on average than what I usually played before the episodic reset. It’s been like that in high plat and low diamond. I’ve encountered more immortals than I’ve ever had when I was Ascendant,” they said, showing a photo of a recent ranked matchup.

The phenomenon can also be seen via ranked distribution data from Esports Tales. Comparing every player’s rank from July (when the reset was implemented) and June (right before the reset), it is clear that the lower rungs of the ranked ladder have been flooded with more players.

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Esports Tales
Graph of Valorant players distributed by ranked placement in June 2024 by Esports Tales.

In June, the most common rank for Valorant players was Gold 1, as 8.1% of the player base was in that tier.

Esports Tales
Graph of Valorant players distributed by ranked placement in July 2024.

In July, due to the reset, every player was pushed down an entire division and then some. The most common rank for Valorant players is now Silver 1, with 10.1% of the base toiling on that ladder rung.

Since then, players have noticed that most of their games are now flooded with high-ranked players trying to grind up to their original placement. Even though everyone is in the same boat, many still find the system discouraging.

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“Still such a s****y system overall. Spending the whole first act of the new episode barely touching my former rank? Wasted time,” one player said.

Valorant players have been upset at ranked resets in the past, as some have been even harsher. However, as the game continues to grow, grinding to the top will get even more challenging.

“People are just generally getting better,” one Reddit user explained in the thread.

Valorant players will have to get used to the reset grind, as Riot Games has shown no inclination toward changing the ranked system in the future.

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