Valorant players want Harbor buff and have the perfect idea

Valorant Harbor gameplayRiot Games

Valorant players are calling on the Riot devs to buff Harbor, and they have the perfect tweak in mind to bring the Agent into the meta.

With now 24 playable Agents in Valorant, balancing each and every one of them to not only to keep the game healthy but also fresh for players has become quite the task for the Riot devs.

Metas form in any game, with some characters, weapons, or specific tactics naturally being stronger than the rest. However, when it comes to Valorant, players now feel as if one Agent in particular needs a bit of love from Riot.

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Released back in Episode 5, the water-wielding controller Harbor has never been in the strongest of spots. In a Reddit thread on May 5, one Valorant player kicked off a discussion on Agent’s spot in the first-person shooter.

Believing Harbor is long overdue for a buff, the player suggested the devs tweak the controller’s Cove ability to make it more clear when you can shoot through his shield.

In the replies to the post, it looks like the community is on board with the idea. But, some players feel as if the changes need to go even further, with tweaks to Harbor’s ultimate and Cascade walls.

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“Honestly his kit would be better if the cascade walls weren’t so short and if the ultimate were either less points or if they reworked it,” said one.

“I feel it’s not enough, his cascade needs to last 2-3 seconds longer imo, and his ult might need changes,” another added.

Once having such a low pick and win rate, it isn’t the first time we’ve seen the community demand change to Harbor. With Episode 9 expected to be the next massive update, there’s a chance we could see some tweaks.

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