Valorant players call for major changes to weapon recoil

Riot Games / Dexerto

Valorant players are pleading with Riot to change the weapon recoil, but is it a necessary move? Or will it just ruin the shooter’s emphasis on tactical gameplay?

Valorant is all about tactical gameplay. Working together as a team and utilizing all of your team’s abilities will be far more fruitful than skill alone — something which the developers proved in their showmatch against some of the biggest streamers.

But let’s say you’re in a one-versus-three situation and the enemy team places themselves close together, Valorant’s ‘hit-or-miss’ recoil pattern makes it difficult for even the best in the world to come out on top. And it’s this that has got players calling for a change.

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Valorant player looking over B-site on Bind.Riot Games
One-tapping an enemy’s head is all well and good, but there is a significant cool down period for your recoil to reset when aiming towards a second enemy.

Does Valorant need recoil improvements?

In post captioned “Recoil reset improvement,” ‘asc3nd_’ pleaded with Riot to change the current state of weapon recoil in the game — and it appears that the sentiment reflected the general consensus within the community, as the post garnered over 4.4k upvotes and over 1k comments in less than 24 hours.

“When you burst with a rifle (any rifle) your recoil simply does not reset,” the Reddit user opened. “You need to literally wait a whole second in order for the gun to have its recoil reset so you can control it.”

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The Valorant player went on to make their case for Riot to reduce the amount of time a weapon’s recoil takes to reset, arguing that it would make the game “way more enjoyable.”

The Valorant community are split

This, of course, sparked a debate in the comments on the balance between tactical gameplay and weapon mechanics.

One Redditor agreed with asc3nd’s points, contending that if these changes were implemented, they’d have more fun in-game. Specifically, they added that “it just seems as if they have the spray delay after shooting a little too high.”

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Reddit comment.

While on the flip side, another player argued that while the game’s recoil reset does take a while, it could be for good reason (i.e. rewarding initial player accuracy). They also asserted their claims by stating: “I might be the only one, but if they give it a faster reset, it might be a little too strong.”

Reddit comment.

As a voice of reason, one user commented on the fact that Valorant are pushing for more tactically-based gameplay over “solo-entry fragger with masterful aim,” stating that the “tap impairment seems consistent to the design in that case.”

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Reddit comment.

While there are clear discrepancies between player opinions, there are ways around Valorant’s ‘random’ spray patterns.

One player discovered that your weapon barrel will essentially tell you the direction of your spray. So as long as you can make adjustments on the fly, you should be able to mitigate the effects of RNG in your spray pattern to an extent.