Summit1g explains why Sage is Valorant’s most overpowered Agent

Summit1g explains why Sage is Valorant's most overpowered AgentRiot Games / Summit1g (Twitch)

Popular Twitch streamer Jaryd ‘Summit1g’ Lazar has delved into why he’s switched his stance from Raze being Valorant’s most overpowered Agent to Sage.

Following the launch of Valorant’s closed beta on April 7, Raze has been making waves as the latest addition to the tactical shooter’s roster of Agents.

With Raze’s high damage output from her abilities, there has been plenty of controversy surrounding whether the explosive Duelist should receive a nerf prior to launch, with lead developer Trevor Romleski even taking the liberty to address the ongoing Raze meta.

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Valorant's Raze.Riot Games
Raze has a host of explosive abilities, which can change the landscape of a round in the blink of an eye.

Summit has previously been vocal about just how overpowered Raze is, even claiming that the rocket-wielding Agent “needs to be deleted” altogether.

However, it appears that Lazar has had a change of heart, as he now believes that Valorant’s in-house medic, Sage, is actually the most overpowered character in-game.

“My shift on who the most overpowered characters are, are a little bit different now,” the 32-year-old began. “Raze is not number one – Sage is absolutely the number one [Agent] in the game without a doubt!”

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Clearly irate, Summit delved into exactly what makes the character so powerful. “She has a f**king heal for all your teammates; she has a f**king [resurrection] to get your team back into a game. She has a f**king ice wall that goes up, which covers a significant amount of space; you can boost with it and it takes time to break,” Lazar explained to his fans.

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Yet, the popular streamer wasn’t done there, as he perhaps saved the best until last when he touched on Sage’s Slow Orbs, stating that they disperse over a large surface area while also being combined with other Agent’s abilities — such as slowing enemies before throwing Raze’s Paint Shells to ensure your foes can’t escape.

Valorant's Sage.Riot Games
Could a nerf be on the cards for Sage?

With a Raze nerf potentially imminent, Sage could perhaps be boosted into a league of her own, as the Agent currently stands side-by-side with Raze in S-tier as part of our Agent rankings.

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Whether both S-tier characters will receive a nerf is another question altogether, given that Riot has yet touched on Sage’s abilities and whether or not they intend on tweaking her abilities.