Secret Yoru trick in Valorant finally makes KAY/O’s revive useful

Yoru and KAY/O splash art in ValorantRiot Games

KAY/O’s ultimate in Valorant is incredibly useful, and now the revive mechanic that many considered worthless is being made relevant by a secret interaction with Yoru.

The agents KAY/O and Yoru check many of the same boxes thanks to their flashes, which others can play off of, and their scouting abilities. Pairing the two Valorant agents is not uncommon, but thanks to a newly highlighted interaction between them, players should pick them together more often.

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Yoru’s ultimate allows players to be effectively invisible from enemies, although he cannot use his weapons, only abilities. The Duelist can still interact with stuff on the map, like picking up guns and other agent abilities.

One of the agent abilities that Yoru can interact with is KAY/O’s ultimate, as he can revive the robot when downed during his ultimate.

This little-known interaction makes the revive element of KAY/O’s NULL/cmd more useful as it gets the agent back into battle with little to no trade-off. The issue with the revive mechanic in the first place is that the teammate reviving KAY/O is essentially a sitting duck for the other team to pick off.

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In an ideal world, KAY/O players go down with their ultimate running under cover, but that rarely happens as pushing forward into the enemy team is often the best use of the ability.

While in his ultimate, Yoru cannot be damaged by enemies, so the other team can’t pick him off while reviving an ally KAY/O. When timed right, Yoru can leave his invisibility just as KAY/O is revived to shoot back at the enemy team when under immediate pressure.

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The combo of KAY/O and Yoru is already strong on some maps thanks to their flashes, so synching up these synergistic ultimates to make the most of the Initiator is a game-changing strategy players should use more.