Riot Games confirm Valorant will be getting surrender option

Riot Games

Valorant developers have confirmed that teams will be able to ‘surrender’ matches in their brand new first-person shooter.

In modern gaming titles, a surrender option is becoming more commonplace and a more highly requested feature.

It allows teams who have been dealt an unlucky card – either with far-superior opponents, teammates going AFK or leaving or other issues – to surrender the match and accept their fate without having to struggle through the entire game.

Riot Games
Valorant was played by nearly 3 million players a day during its closed beta.

There are few things more frustrating than when you know a win is simply impossible to achieve, in any game.

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One teammate leaves and you’re now playing 4v5 and you’ve got to spend the next 30 minutes hoping that you somehow get a win, disadvantaged and perhaps frustrated throughout the entire match.

The surrender option seeks to solve that, and Valorant developers have now confirmed that the game will be getting one.

In a conversation with ESPN Esports, Riot Games’ Joe Ziegler and Anna Donlon confirmed the option won’t be available at launch, but will be coming soon.

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They also spoke about other steps they were taking to make the team experience better in Valorant.

“There’s actually two problems I want to cover,” Ziegler stated. “We’ve actually gotten a lot more severe on AFK (Away From Keyboard) punishments, but we want to make sure that if that actually happens, that a team can take agency of the situation and figure out if they want to play out the rest of the match.”

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He reported that there was a big drop in ‘AFKers’ after making punishments more severe, which is promising, but that doesn’t mean it’s possible to eradicate entirely which is why a surrender option would put the power in the hands of the players.

No clear date was set out for when a surrender button will arrive in Valorant, but they did specify that it would come “very soon after launch,” which is promising news for frustrated players.

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