Ludwig urges Riot to change their mind over VCT Americas slot after The Guard’s rejection

Ludwig asks Riot to reverse their VCT decisionYouTube: Ludwig/Riot Games

Ludwig has called on Riot Games not to leave VCT America’s promotion slot empty for 2024 after The Guard’s rejection.

Riot announced on August 29 that The Guard will not be participating in the 2024 VCT Americas circuit, revealing that they have decided to leave the slot empty in lieu of The Guard failing to agree to the Team Participation Agreement.

Head of Valorant esports Leo Faria later explained that Riot considered a few options, one that would have allowed the roster to search for another org, or another that would have seen runner-up M80 promoted, however, they ultimately opted to leave the slot empty.

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And now, some of Valorant’s biggest voices such as Ludwig are imploring Riot not to leave the slot empty and to reconsider their options.

“Seriously reconsider,” Ludwig said in response to the decision, begging Riot to not let the slot go to waste. “Let the players keep the slot and allow someone to buy their contract + franchise fees. Or let M80 go as runner-up.

“Make the last year of my life not a waste.”

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As a co-owner of Moist Esports, who has a team in VCT Challengers competing for a chance at promotion, Ludwig certainly has a personal investment in regard to any changes to the tier-2 NA scene. His lineup was close to qualifying for the Americas Ascension tournament, only being beaten by The Guard in their final series.

In a later Mogul Mail video explaining his thoughts, he said bluntly “That sucks. It basically means that none of it mattered. Losing didn’t matter because the people that beat us aren’t even going to go on to do great things.”

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He went on to say of The Guard’s players, “These are five players and a coach who have grinded their ass off all year. They didn’t make the cut for the initial franchise teams, they were super close, they were an amazing team.”

Suggesting that Riot should allow the team to find a different org, “Let them compete. Let somebody else come in and pay the fees. And maybe they rebrand, or whatever, but give the ownership to the players for the two years, they are allowed to be up there.”

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