Twitch CEO says it’s unrealistic for streaming to be “fun all the time”

Twitch CEO Dan Clancy during an interview with streamer Mizkif.Twitch / Mizkif

Twitch’s CEO has said that he thinks there is “lots of hard things about streaming just like any job” and that it isn’t realistic for streaming to be enjoyable all of the time.

On March 22, Twitch’s CEO Dan Clancy, sat down with popular streamer Mizkif to answer various questions surrounding the state of the streaming platform.

During Mizkif’s stream, questions from the community were asked of both of them. One question asked: “Since you both stream and work a real job, which one is actually harder? And do you think streaming is a hard job?”

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Clancy responded: “I stream at night after a day at work, so my job at Twitch is harder, but it’s also more fun. I mean I don’t know if it’s more fun, it’s fun, both are fun. I do things that I like.

“‘Is streaming a hard job?’ You know there has recently been a lot of attention on that and I think there are lots of hard things about streaming just like any job. Now, that doesn’t mean it’s harder than mining a coal mine, as that’s just silly.

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“But, this idea that it’s just fun all the time, right and you’re not like ‘oh okay I’ve got to stream,’ because you’re putting yourself out there.

“You know being in front of a camera for 8 hours a day and exposing yourself, you end up and it can be very emotional. I, even after doing it once a week for four hours, I finished and I’m like ‘Ohhhh… let’s take it easy’ because you just feel this obligation and that’s a much smaller community.”

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Mizkif followed up with his response: “The streamers that I was around, doing what they were doing was ideal and made sense for when they were in their early twenties.

“Right, that degenerate lifestyle, playing games all day, biting your toenail cr*p like, that stuff was cool and I think fun for them in their early twenties but as you get closer to your thirties, I just think that lifestyle has got old for them and they’re just tired and it’s just different, you want to elevate and move.”

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Twitch’s CEO and Mizkif continued answering questions about the platform throughout the stream, which has spawned various hot topics, including Dr Disrespect’s ban.