Twitch CEO reveals plans to “lean away” from controversial pre-roll ads in near future

Twitch CEO Dan Clancy on StreamTwitch: SpawnOnMe

New Twitch CEO Dan Clancy has discussed the potential removal of pre-roll ads coming soon to the platform, stating that they’ll be “rolling stuff out” in the near future.

Twitch is easily one of the biggest streaming platforms on the internet at the moment. The site has helped boost streaming stars such as Ninja, Hasanabi, and Ludwig to name a few throughout its many years and seems to have no plans of stopping anytime soon.

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Newly appointed Twitch CEO Dan Clancy is looking to make changes to the streaming platform, with plans on creating a better user experience for both viewers and streamers alike.

Clancy recently appeared on a Twitch stream to speak more about his specific goals and to potentially tease some upcoming changes that are currently in the works. In particular, Clancy spoke about the frustration of pre-roll ads and Twitch’s plans to lean away from the system, especially when users are in Discovery mode.

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The CEO spoke about their experience with pre-roll ads on Twitch, considering that he often browses the channels on the site. “Since I look at a lot of channels, as opposed to the small amount I’m subscribed to, I see a lot of ads, because I’m moving around. In fact, I brought up your channel as we were going on. Because I thought let’s have that live so I can see chat, and I saw an ad.”

Clancy went on to agree that pre-roll ads are detrimental to a user’s experience, particularly when they’re searching for new content. “I don’t think that is the right experience when you’re trying to discover new content. When you are looking and are like ‘oh let me check this out’ and you are hit with an ad and that inhibits you from going and browsing new stuff.

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“We currently have some tests going and we’ll be rolling out some stuff soon that really leans away from pre-roll ads when people are in discovery mode.” Clancy said.

With the current plans in the works, it’s very possible we see a reduction or complete removal of pre-roll ads from Twitch’s service sometime in the near future,.