Twitch CEO Dan Clancy has mentions of unionizing banned in his chat

Twitch CEO Dan Clancy on StreamTwitch: SpawnOnMe

Content creator Carter called out Twitch CEO Dan Clancy for banning any mentions of unions or unionizing in his chat.

Back in March Twitch’s Co-Founder Emmett Shear pass the torch to Dan Clancy and stepped down from his position as CEO of Twitch.

Dan Clancy has been streaming on the platform occasionally to fit in with the culture, which attracted many content creators to his channel who want to hear about the platform’s plans or ask questions.

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A clip of Carter typing in the Twitch CEO’s chat attracted some attention on Twitter after the content creator found out that any mentions of unionizing get deleted from Dan’s chat.

Dan Clancy has mentions of unionizing banned in his Twitch chat

In the clip, Carter notices that someone wrote “unionize Twitch” in Dan Clancy’s chat, to which the content creator said, “okay good, let’s see if this chatter gets banned”.

Sure enough seconds later the message got deleted, which Carter reacted to with disbelief. Carter took to Twitter with the clip and posted it with the following caption: “What happens when you mention unionizing in the CEOs chat. (You can see the message is deleted).”

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The response to the clip was mixed, with some users reacting with disbelief or ridicule, similar to Carter’s reaction.

“Ain’t no way,” wrote one user. While a similar comment reads: “This is so funny.”

Others stood behind Dan’s decision, saying that this is reaching.

“I like how everyone complained about the old CEO because he had no presence. The second a new one comes and starts putting himself out there and collabing and talking with streamers people start microanalyzing every action. No wonder it was how it was and I’m not even defending,” said the user.

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Twitch has found itself in a spot of bother lately due to their policy changes, streamers like xQc spoke out about why these changes unfavorable to streamers could bring the live-streaming giant down.