Twitch bans Alinity & makes her to go to “copyright school” to restore account

Alinity standing next to a classroomUnsplash: Ivan Aleksic / Instagram: alinitydivine

Alinity has been hit with yet another Twitch ban, though this time, in light of the punishment stemming from a DMCA strike, the content creator has to go through “copyright school” to get her account back.

Natalia ‘Alinity’ Mogollon is certainly no stranger to Twitch bans. As a self-described pioneer of some of the platform’s most contentious periods, like the recent ‘topless meta’, the prolific streamer has been banned on a number of occasions. However, her latest comes with a unique stipulation.

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Streaming some reality TV with her community, according to multiple viewers who were in the chat watching along live, Alinity was struck off the platform mid-broadcast on April 23. Hit with a Digital Millennium Copyright (DMCA) strike, Alinity’s attention was quickly drawn to a unique email in her inbox.

“Complete Copyright School to Remove Your Copyright Strike,” the subject line of said email read. It turns out, Alinity can manually restore her Twitch account this time around, but in order to do so, she has to attend the platform’s virtual lessons on copyright.

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Streamers on Twitch impacted by DMCA strikes are able to remove one red flag on their account by going through the platform’s Copyright School. The intent of this program is to help content creators “understand some copyright basics,” the email reads.

“Like driving school, Copyright School is meant to help well-meaning streamers learn the rules.”

Everyone is able to complete the seven training modules on offer through Twitch’s Creator Camp, even without being a streamer. Though if Alinity works her way through the course, she’ll have her DMCA strike scratched off.

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“We understand that mistakes happen and want everyone to have the information needed to educate themselves and avoid making future mistakes,” the program’s introduction begins.

Twitch Creator Camp Copyright Class moduleTwitch
An example of one of the modules on offer in the Copyright School program on Twitch.

All up, the seven modules cover everything from copyright law basics to the consequences of violating the DMCA, along with resources to help “build good habits” in the long run. Rounding it out is a quiz consisting of 13 multiple-choice questions to prove you were paying attention through the roughly 28-minute course.

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Should Alinity take the half hour to digest the information Twitch is providing, the DMCA strike will be removed and her account restored in short order. At the time of writing, however, the account is still blocked.

In 2018, Alinity and PewDiePie were locked in a viral feud after she hit the YouTuber with a copyright strike on a video he made criticizing her content. The drama spawned a viral clip where Alinity asked, “can we copy strike PewDiePie?”.

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