Prolific Twitch psychiatrist Dr. K has medical license reprimanded over Reckful interactions

Dr. K on Healthy Gamer YouTube channelYouTube: Healthy Gamer

Prolific Twitch psychiatrist Dr. Alok Kanojia M.D – known colloquially as Dr. K – has had his medical license reprimanded due to a series of livestreams with Byron ‘Reckful’ Bernstein before his death.

Following on from a complaint filed in February, 2022, the Board of Registration in Medicine has reprimanded Dr. K’s medical license due to his engagement in six livestreamed conversations with Reckful.

The board claimed the doctor and personality “engaged in conduct that undermines the public confidence in the integrity of the medical profession.” As a result, his medical license has been reprimanded.

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Crucially, reprimanded is vastly different from revoked. In this case, no further actions are being taken. Dr. K is freely able to continue his practice both offline and online and run his Healthy Gamer business.

“It does not come with any fines, penalties, or limitations to Dr. K’s ability to practice medicine. No suspension, probation, or other restrictions,” a statement from Healthy Gamer clarified.

The board's ruling on Dr.K's complaint.Board of Registration in Medicine
The board’s ruling on Dr.K’s complaint.

The 41-year-old received his medical degree in 2014 before rising to prominence in the entertainment sector. Dr. K became known as a personality in the streaming space, in particular, gaining popularity for a series of interviews with the scene’s biggest names.

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Pokimane, xQc, and Asmongold are just a small batch of names Dr. K engaged with over the years, speaking with them while thousands watched along live. Although the nature of the conversations can be perceived as therapeutic, Dr. K is frequently reminding both guests and viewers that his streams are in no way a replacement for actual therapy.

Furthermore, Dr. K has released multiple videos providing an overview of his “rigorous informed consent process.” In this process, he makes it abundantly clear to those participating that their conversations on stream are “very clearly not therapy.”

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Nonetheless, his actions led to an official complaint being filed in 2022, specifically in relation to his dealings with Reckful prior to his death.

One of the biggest content creators at the time, Reckful engaged with Dr. K on stream on six different occasions. Throughout their conversations, the two discussed Reckful’s mental health, drug use, and his brother’s suicide. The two spoke for multiple hours online across their various sessions before taking their conversations offline.

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The board found that Dr. K’s actions offline with Reckful were within “standard referral guidelines.” No wrongdoing was unearthed. Dr. K recommended the appropriate “outpatient care and guidance around the use of emergency services.”

Reckful died by suicide not long after, on July 2, 2020. Dr. K publicly discussed his death and once again reminded everyone watching that his content is in no way a replacement for actual therapy.

Two years later, however, due to these conversations with Reckful and his eventual death, Dr. K was the target of an official complaint from the Board of Registration in Medicine. Now two years on from that, his license has been reprimanded.

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“Physicians involved in the media environment should be aware of their ethical obligations to patients, the public, and the medical profession,” the filing read. Due to perceived damage to reputation, the board reminded Dr. K his “conduct can affect medical colleagues, other health care professionals, as well as institutions with which they are affiliated.”

Dr K with a Dota playersInstagram: Healthy Gamer
Dr. K has had livestreamed conversations with all manner of content creators and professional gamers.

Beyond his personal content, Dr. K also established the Healthy Gamer company. Offering “coaching, content, and community to promote mental wellness,” Healthy Gamer was founded as a “way to provide resources to a generation struggling with mental health and struggling to be understood by traditional resources.”

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In the wake of the board’s reprimand being publicized, Healthy Gamer issued a lengthy statement on the matter and its ongoing involvement with Dr. K.

“Far before this complaint was filed, we took self-corrective actions to address the most problematic aspects of guest interviews while still allowing for meaningful discussion around mental health.”

The company has also “established a Scientific Advisory Board that advises on policies/procedures for content, coaching, and other core activities.”

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To clear the air, the company assured that the complaint does not at all impact Dr. K’s future involvement with Healthy Gamer.