Yellowjackets Season 2: Who kidnapped Natalie?


Yellowjackets Season 1 ended with Natalie getting kidnapped, but who are her assailants, and what do they want?

2021’s first season of Yellowjackets became a smash hit, with multiple Emmy nominations in 2022, and a green light for Season 2. Thankfully, the second season is easily living up to the first, with our review of the first two episodes already out now.

Fans have been waiting eagerly for said second season, which continues the story of a soccer team that was stranded in the wild for a year after a plane crash, and the ensuing trauma that lives on into their adulthood.

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One of these girls was Natalie (played by Sophie Thatcher and Juliette Lewis), who got kidnapped at the end of Season 1. But who took her, and why are they dressed in purple? Well, read on to find out, and of course, spoilers for Yellowjackets to follow.

Who kidnapped Natalie in Yellowjackets?

Natalie has been kidnapped by followers of a wellness cult called Sunshine Honey, who live in a compound miles away.

They are all dressed in purple as it is meant to be an equalizing thing, where no matter who a person was, they can become part of the compound and heal from their emotional trauma.

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Natalie gets chained to a bed in this compound and tended to by a member of the cult. However, she manages to escape by stabbing the other woman in the face with a fork and running off.

During this escape, she witnesses a man get buried alive as some kind of spiritual ritual, but what’s most shocking to Natalie is who is running this ritual: Lottie.

Lottie (played by Courtney Eaton and Simone Kessell) was a fellow member of the Yellowjackets team back in the 1990s, as was the schizophrenic turned psychic in the wilderness. In Season 2 it was revealed that when rescued she was placed into a psychiatric hospital in Sweden by her parents in order to “fix” what had happened to her out there.

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However, Lottie had become an ominous figure by the end of Season 1, and it was discovered that the recently deceased Travis’ bank accounts had been merged into hers – which means that Natalie could be in a lot of danger.

Why was Natalie kidnapped?

As of now, it doesn’t seem like Lottie wants to cause Natalie any harm. The opposite in fact, as the workers at the compound state that they saved Natalie, as she was about to kill herself before they busted into her room.

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Lottie tasked her followers to keep an eye on Natalie and keep her safe. As the compound is all about emotional wellness, it’s likely that Lottie brought her there to help her heal from what went down in the wilderness. Lottie herself seems to have moved past her demons to some degree.

However, things are never as they seem in this show. Cults are obviously a major red flag, for starters. And there’s still the question of whether or not Lottie killed Travis, which will no doubt be explored in future episodes. Is she secretly hoping to do the same thing to Natalie?

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We’re sure to find out more about Lottie, and her cult, as the season goes along. Hopefully Natalie will be able to get out unscathed. Or at least, only as scathed as she already is.

Yellowjackets Season 2 is currently streaming. Click here to find out when and where you can watch it.