Virgin River: Will Paige end up with Preacher?

Preacher and Paige in Virgin River Season 6Netflix

Close friends and confidantes, will Paige end up with Preacher after their dramatic turn of events in Virgin River? Here’s what we know.

All’s well that ends well – except if you are a resident of Virgin River. In this case, you’re bound to be faced with endless obstacles, sometimes meaning that the person you should be with remains a no-go area.

Such has been the case for many fan-favorite couples in the show, including leading duo Jack and Mel. However, as the franchise ramps up for Virgin River Season 6, all eyes are on Preacher and Paige.

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With a dramatic storyline throwing everything off course, will Paige end up with Preacher in Virgin River? Here’s everything you need to know.

Will Paige end up with Preacher in Virgin River?

While no storylines have been officially confirmed, it seems unlikely that Paige will end up with Preacher for one reason.

Preacher and Paige in Virgin RiverNetflix
Preacher and Paige have been through a lot together

In a recent article from EarlyBirdTimes, showrunner Patrick Sean Smith nigh-on confirmed that Paige would not be returning for the upcoming Season 6. Not only does this put a halt on anything romantic developing between the two, but it also calls Preacher’s future into question.

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Starting out as close friends, Paige called in Preacher to help her out of her abusive relationship with Wes, who she had already tried to leave once before. In a panic, Paige accidentally kills Wes, with Preacher not wanting to see her suffer. As a result, Paige flees Virgin River with her son Christopher, leaving Preacher to deal with the fallout.

For some fans, Preacher and Paige feel more like star-crossed lovers, pushed away by an unnecessary storyline.

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“I honestly wondered why they put her through all that to bring her and the kid actor back for five seconds this season,” one Redditor mused. “Sorry guys but nothing made sense about any direction this past one. It bordered on jumping the shark in season four but it’s full-blown for five.”

“They could have done something really great with Paige’s storyline. They should have just gotten a new actress to play her, that’s the main reason the storyline went south. It feels like that was a quick way to rid of them since her storyline was still open-ended. It’s really a shame, especially as someone who read the books,” added another.

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“I feel like she’ll show back up again and blow things up for him and Kaia,” a third weighed in, with a fourth user replying “I can’t stand Kaia so wouldn’t mind that, but Paige is so “meh” for me anyway. Preacher is the total package, and I want to see him with someone worthy of him.”

Whether Paige and Preacher end up together isn’t a sure thing, but some fans think the problem in Virgin River is purely down to Preacher.

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“What is with this guy? He meets someone for five minutes, sleeps with her twice in two days (because we all know each episode is literally 24 hours in VR), and immediately has feelings for her? He just ended it with Karate chick and Paige, like what? Four days ago? Would anyone really date a guy like this? It’s ridiculous,” one user states.